Jack Has a Baby girl

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Can you do a jack one were y

is 9 months pregnant with a baby girl and jack is really protective and one day when y/n is backstage at an atl concert her water breaks and jack freaks out and dosnt know what to do and alex has to calm him down and stuff

AN So I know that I was supposed to post this like last night, but I fell asleep on the couch before I could. So I'm posting it now, and I'll get it to you. Sorry for the extra wait. Sorry for my lack of knowledge on this subject, I'm the youngest kid, so I don't know much of this. Except what I learned in 8th grade health class and movies. I feel like I made this really sappy, but then who isn't sappy when someone's just born. Everyone is cheesy as fuck! There's no message for this one. Enjoy, lovelies xx

PS I know this is a little boy that's like a toddler, I just love this picture.

Your POV

Jack and I were going to have a baby girl. Not only were we excited, but the guys were as well. They would bring me things when I was sitting down, and get me things if they were too high to reach. Jack made me come on tour with them because since I was so far along with our baby, he didn't want to miss it when she was born. And also she might be born somewhere interesting they were at.

Let me tell you, it's been hell living in a tour bus and being this pregnant. Jack gets super protective of me. He won't let me use the bathroom unless I had someone to go along with me, which was hard since not many girls went on tour.

He won't let me sleep in an uncomfortable position, and if I fall asleep in one, he wakes me up, makes me reposition myself and then lets me sleep. The guys have been trying to get him to leave my side since we got here, and we've made very little progress.

It wasn't very easy getting Jack out on that stage tonight, but Alex managed to convince him to do it for the fans. He was reluctant and after each song he'd look over at me to make sure I was still okay. He could be so cute sometimes. Okay, who am I kidding - all the time.

I was watching the guys play their set, and even though Jack seemed a bit distracted, they still killed it. It was a fun show, and it was times like these that I wish I wasn't so huge. I was nine months along, and this little girl was going to pop out any second.

Jack and I hadn't really thought of a name yet, we thought we'd wait until she was born then decide at the hospital. Although, I thought that they gave you morphine, and I don't know how reasonable I'd be on morphine.

I was watching the show, and all of a sudden I felt something wet on my legs. Oh fuck, is this what I think it is? I've never been pregnant before, I don't know what it fucking feels like. Oh my god, this is really happening. They're not even half way done in their set. Oh god the fans were going to hate me. Holy shit, this hurts. Okay breathe, breathe.

One of the crew saw me and saw what happened, he ushered me to go sit down, and he was going to tell the guys.

Jack's POV

We were playing Weightless and all I could think about was Y/N. She was so far along that she could be ready to go in like a day or an hour or a minute.

And this is my reaction, to everything I fear, 'cause I've been going crazy I don't wanna waste another minute here. The guitar played it's parts, and I was jumping all around, and the song finished. I looked to my mic stand and it had bras on it. I smiled. This was a good show. I glanced over at the side to make sure Y/N was still watching. She wasn't there. I began to panic a bit. Where was she? Was she in the bathroom? Did her water break? Oh shit, not in the middle of a concert. I was just about to go tell Alex, when one of our crew members ran out on the stage. First he told Alex, then he told me, then he told Zack, and then Rian. Alex looked over at me and I basically ran off the stage. Alex explained in the microphone that my girlfriend's water broke and that we couldn't continue the show. I heard everyone's insync "awww" but he told them that they can come back tomorrow and bring the same ticket they have and we'll play the show then.

I was happy Alex found a solution to fix this, but in the meantime, all I could think about was Y/N, and the baby we have together. What if she can't get to a hospital in time, this is all my fault oh my god. I started pacing back and forth and running my hands through my hair, talking to myself. Alex comes over to me.

"Dude, you gotta calm down," he told me.

"I can't, my girl's going into labor," I told him. I still was pacing and my mind hadn't stopped racing since I found out.

"She's gonna be fine, she's a fighter. She's stronger than you think, and you gotta be strong for her too."

I breathed in deeply. "Okay." We were waiting for our ride to get here. I'm pretty sure everyone was going to go. We may haven't been the first to marry like Alex and Lisa and we may haven't had as long a relationship like Rian and Cassadee, but we were the first to have a kid. I was the first to be a dad. Everyone wanted to be there when my little girl was born.

When the car got there, we all plowed in one after the other. Y/N got the most room, and I sat right next to her, holding her hand.

"It'll be okay, you'll be okay," I whispered to her over and over. I wanted to make sure she wasn't going to pass out even though she was in the worst pain imaginable. She squeezed my hand and held it there 'til we arrived at the hospital.

We all rushed her to the room where my girl would be born, but the only one who could stay in the room with her was me. Alex wasn't far away and I felt a little bit better knowing I could be here with her the whole way. She was screaming in pain, and the nurse was reassuring her that this one was the worst, and to keep holding my hand.

Y/N screamed and squeezed and each contraction sounded so painful. I was sympathetic to her pains, almost as if I were feeling them.

After what felt like hours, our little girl was finally out. I cut the umbilical cord, and the doctor handed Y/N our baby. Y/N was slightly high on painkillers, but we had to think of the name for her, we were about to sign the birth certificate.

"What do you want to name her?" I asked Y/N, kneeling next to the bedside.

"I don't know," she whispered. "Something interesting like Casserole."

"We're not naming our baby Casserole."

"She looks like a Casserole to me." I laughed and smoothed her hair out with my hand.

"Think of something else?"

She breathed in like she just got an idea. "Who all is here?"


"What if they helped with the name?"

"It's gonna be chaos, but alright." I told the nurse to let everyone in, and they all crowded around us.

Alex was the first one to speak up. "What're you guys going to name her?"

"We don't know," I told him.

Alex looked at everyone else for support, and they all started talking at once, shooting names at us. I looked over at Y/N. She was asleep. I chuckled to myself. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and took a picture of my girl sleeping with my baby girl in her arms. Surprisingly, my daughter wasn't crying.

I uploaded it on to Twitter and asked the fans for names. I got a lot of suggestions, but settled on naming her Melody, as she was going to be the main part of my life from now on. I woke up Y/N, and told her. She smiled in approval, and agreed.

"Alright, guys! Guys! I got a name for her."

"What is it?!" Zack called from the back.

I smiled and looked at both of the most important people in my life. "Melody."

Alex came up to me, and put his hand on my shoulder. "She's got your eyes, man." He smiled at me, and stepped back. I grinned, and picked up Melody.

"Who wants to hold her?" I called out.

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