Jack's First Time

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I would love you forever and ever if you did a young Jack one where he's like super nervous and has a crush on this girl but she teaches him how to do it lol

AN So I leave for camping tomorrow, and it's gonna be pretty far out there, so I'm pretty sure I won't have service. So I'll promise you guys an update the day I get back which is Sunday, and maybe if I'm feeling frisky, I'll do a double update. Goddamn this was long, but hell, it was cute as fuck. Thanks so much for your guys' support, it really means a lot to me. The conversation is between you and Jack. I hope you enjoy it xx

Warning: smut

Your POV

I was standing in the middle of the hall, at my locker shoving books in. It was the end of the day, and damn, I was exhausted. So much shit to do, so little time. I fixed the shirt I was wearing so that it wouldn't ride up and reached in my locker to organize things.

It wasn't before long that I saw that familiar black and blonde head bobbing up and down through the hallway. It was almost impossible not to notice him, he was so tall. Jack Barakat, his name was. He was in a couple of my classes and whenever teachers would force us to talk to each other, he'd get so flustered. I found it adorable as hell.

He'd usually just sneak a quick glance at me and continue with his strides, but today was different. "Hey, Y/N?" he said as he came up towards me. My friends had gone, so it was just us two.

"Hey Jack," I returned his smile. His hand shot up to nervously scratch the back of his neck.

"I was wondering.. Do you.."

"Yeah?" I was now giving him my full attention. My back was against the lockers, and my eyes were gazing intently into his own.

"Would you maybe want to.. You know.. Coffee.. Movie.."

"Jack, are you asking me out?" I asked him, giving my cutest giggle. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to get to know him more.

"Yeah, that."

I laughed lightly and smiled again. "Of course, come by my house at 7?"

"Oh you mean today. As in this day. Friday. Like the day that we're living right now. This day."

"Yeah, that's usually what today means."

"Okay, 7 it is then." His face flushed a light shade of pink and I giggled again, finding him adorable as all get out.

"See you then." I waved goodbye and started walking towards my ride. This was going to get interesting.

I could always tell that Jack had some sort of thing for me. He always casually stared at me, or his eyes were finding mine in random situations. He stole glances at me in the hall. With all of his subtle play. I was beginning to develope my own crush on him. He just had that effect.

Jack's POV

I can't believe I just asked Y/N out. I had loved every ounce of her existence. What she wore, how she spoke, how her eyes sparkled when she spoke about something she was passionate about. I can't believe she agreed with me. And wanted to go tonight.

I had the biggest crush on her and have had one for about two years now. I liked her so much that I constantly turned down every girl that suggested she wanted to be with me just so I could be available for when Y/N would want to be with me. I guess that was now.

That didn't give me much time for experimenting though. She was my age, but I was sure that she had done things that I haven't. I wasn't exactly skilled in the art of sexual intercourse. Considering how many things that go on when you do that, I figured it was some kind of special skill that some people were born with. I don't think I was born with it. Then I wouldn't be a 17 year old virgin.

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