Broken Hand

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slammes her hand in the car door and Jack is like omg and her hand starts like gushing blood so Jack takes her to the hospital and takes care of her and stuff

AN Hey anon, I hope your hand is okay by now :o No text message for this one, but there is super fluff. Thanks so much for the support guys, I really appreciate it all. No one loves you more than I love you. Except maybe your parents. Nah, not even them. You guys are what keeps this thing going, and I really appreciate that. Thank you so much, and enjoy your imagine xx

Your POV

Jack and I were on our way to go see the new Jurassic World movie. We were so excited. So we gathered in the car and headed out to go on our movie date. I was excited. I remembered watching Jurassic Park as a kid and I absolutely loved it, so I was curious as to what they were going to do with it.

We arrived at the movie theatre and I stumbled out of the car. Jack was already walking over to my side. I realized that I forgot my wallet in my seat and when I reached my hand to get it, he slammed the door on my hand, causing me to shriek in pain.

"Holy shit!" Jack screamed when he realized what he had done. "I'm so fucking sorry, Y/N."

I smiled through my pain and laughed a little bit. "Don't worry about it, I'm fine," I told him through gritted teeth. I really wanted to see this movie, damnit.

"Like hell you're fine. Get back in the car, I'm taking you to the hospital."

"But Jack, I really want to see the movie." I stuck my lower lip out to get him to let me see the movie.

"We'll see it later, love, now come on." He put my back in the car and I sat and pouted to myself. I could deal with a little pain, I was fine. "You're bleeding, Y/N."

I looked down at my hand, and well, he's not wrong. "So," I muttered, disappointed about my movie.

"Look at it, it's gushing blood." Blood was running down my hand, and if I tried to move any of my fingers, it would hurt too much. I probably broke it. But that didn't matter to me, I wanted to see the velociraptors with Jack.

"So," I muttered again. Jack whipped his head toward me, and I was still pouting.

"So, I don't want you to lose consciousness or blood or die or anything. If we just went ahead and watched it anyway, your hand wouldn't have healed right, and also you might have passed out during it."

"That doesn't matter," I told him stubbornly. Jack sighed and held out his hand for me to hold. I just stared at him, confused as to what he wanted.

"Your other non-injured hand," he told me, reading my silent question. He took his eyes off the road to look at me. When I saw the worry in his eyes, I knew that it wasn't fair of me to be mad at him for trying to help. He felt bad for hurting my hand and wanted it to be fixed as soon as possible. "Which hand was it?" Jack asked me.

"The one I need the most."

"The dominant one?" Jack sighed and ran his free hand through his hair before placing it back on the wheel. "Shit."

I nodded, and we rode in silence on our way to the hospital. I could feel Jack take glances at me to make sure I was alright. Now that the movie was out of my head, my hand sure did hurt like a motherfucking bitch.

We reached the hospital, and Jack pulled me out of my thoughts. I got out of the car and was careful to close the door. I stumbled towards the door, but Jack was ushering me to move faster. I didn't feel like it, so I purposefully dragged behind.

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