Austin Carlile Buddy

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hey :) can you write a Jack Barakat imagine where you hang out with austin carlile (he is your best friend) and he gets really jealous. you guys get into a fight and you leave. he try to win you back. fluffy and maybe smut thank you :)

AN Austin Carlile really is an adorable giant it's like how can someone that tall be that adorable. Then again I ask myself that same question about Jack. Damn people and their adorableness. I'm pretty sure this was next on the list, I can't find another one before it, so if there was, send me a message to tell me if I skipped over you :O BTW I don't think Jack ever gets angry, so the picture is him looking exasperated. Wahhhh this was hard to write, I feel like it needed more time to develope, but there wasn't really much time to develop the characters. It is a short story after all. I really hope it isn't too bad. Anyways, enjoy to the best of your ability.

PS- I know that there's a lot of drama involving Austin Carlile and that girl, but this is just an imagine, and it's fiction, so in my world, that didn't happen. I have no idea what's happening on the matter, so this isn't any disrespect to the girl or Austin Carlile.

Your POV

I was getting ready to go out with my friend, Austin, and Jack was sitting on the couch. I was putting on minimal make up when Jack came in to ask me what I was doing.

"I'm going to go hang out with Austin for awhile," I told him.

"Why?" He inquired.

"Because, Jack, I want to. He's my best friend."

"You can't stay here with me?"

"I've been staying with you for awhile, I haven't seen Austin in forever. He's been on tour the whole time."

"I don't trust him," Jack huffed.

"Why not? He hasn't done anything to lose your trust, has he?"

"No, I just don't trust him."

"But jack, he hasn't done anything wrong. He's just my friend, don't you trust me? Your actual girlfriend?"

"Yeah, but not men. You're beautiful, Y/N, I don't want anyone taking advantage of you."

"Jack, no one is going to take advantage of me, and certainly not Austin. We've been best friends for years."

"But, I want to spend time with you-"

"Jack, I've spent time with you, I live with you. Now it's his turn "

Jack looked down to the ground, hiding behind his black hair. He wasn't sad, I could tell because he wasn't biting his lip. He did that when he was sad. He was angry and clenching his fists. "Fine. If you want to go, go," he growled.

I didn't say anything when I left, I was too angry. I just walked out the door. I didn't look back at Jack, because I usually get sad when he gets angry at me. We don't fight often, but when we do, he scares me when he gets mad. When an overgrown 5 year-old in a man's body is angry, he's terrifying. Because he's no longer the sweet, slightly immature guy I know, he's angrier and somehow he gets taller and his voice gets deeper. There's a growl in his voice, and I'd much rather wait for him to calm down.

I drove to where I was meeting Austin, and he saw me first.

"Y/N!" he called to me.

"Austin!" I shouted back. I ran up to him with a huge smile on my face. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

"I know it's been so long." He smiled back and picked me up in a long fluffy Carlile hug.

"I missed you," I said into his shirt.

"Missed you too."

"How was tour?"

"It was great, lots of fans, tons of shows, even some meet and greets here and there. It was really fun."

"That's really good," I smiled.

"So how's Jack, still treating you right?"

"Yeah, he does. It's just when I told him I was going to hang out with you, he got really mad at me."

"How so?"

"He thought that I was either going to get raped or he just got mad because I'm spending time with you instead of him."

"I see." Austin said. He smiled at me. "You know, he has a point."

"But Austin, I haven't seen you in forever!"

"I know, but it's how us guys get, especially ones on the road. We don't get to see our girls for months at a time. It's terrible. So whenever we're home we like to spend as much time with them as possible."

"But does he have to be an asshole about it?" I whined.

"He most likely could've handled the situation differently, but he still has a point."

"I guess," I mumbled and shuffled my feet.

"Hey now, don't be sad," he said and hugged me. "I know you wanted to spend time with me, that's okay. I'm just saying I understand where Jack's coming from."

When Austin, put me down, I saw a figure looking at us from behind a bush. It was tall and skinny, and wearing a hood. "What's that?" I asked Austin.

Austin looked over and saw what I was looking at. "Go see for yourself," he smiled.

I walked over to go see if it was living or not, and instantly recognized the brown eyes I had fallen in love with. "Jack..?"

"Y/N, come with me."

"But I was talking to Austin."

"Not anymore." He dragged me away from him, and when I looked back at Austin, he was smiling and shaking his head. He turned around and walked back from where he came. I guess he understood.

"Jack, where are we going?" I asked.

"Sh." He remained silent until we got back to the house. "Don't take your shoes off," he commanded.

I didn't take my shoes off and we walked to the back porch. "What're you doing?" I tried to ask him.

"Follow me." was all he said. I jumped up on the banister and climbed on top of the roof. He turned around to me and offered his hand. I took it and climbed on the roof with him. We walked to the other side, where the sun was beaming down, and laid down.

"What're we doing here?" I asked, still standing up.

"This is where I come to think."

"Why'd you bring me here?"

"He looked up at me with his big brown eyes and motioned for me to lie next to him. I did so and he scooted closer to me. "I wanted to share it with you, as an apology for my behavior."

"I'm sorry too."

"You didn't really do anything wrong. I was just jealous because I love spending time with you, and the thought of anyone taking you away from me, made me angry. I really do love you, Y/N."

"I know you do Jack. I love you too." I looked at him lying next to me. I smiled at him and scooted closer so I could lean my head on his shoulder. "This is a really pretty view."

"You should see it at sunset."

I hugged Jack close and he kissed me on top of the head. We lied there for while, not wanting to move. It felt like we were on top of the world.

Jack Barakat ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now