Babies for Jack

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Can I have a Jack B imagine where you have a son that is about 2 or three and Jack doesn't know about him and Jack spends the night and he wakes up before you and your Ex drops off your son and Jack plays with him until you wake up and then you explain everything to him? Your imagines are amazing and I love you xD

AN It's here! It's here! It's finally here! I'm so sorry it took me so long to write this! This sounds like fun, Jack with children is absolutely adorable just saying. I'm so sorry tis is so long, I don't know why it had to be it just needed a lot of stuff idk im sorry I hope this'll work! thank you for being so patient!

Your POV

"You wanna come inside?" I asked Jack after our third date. We had just went out to see a movie, and I wasn't ready to say goodnight yet.

He smiled. "Yeah sure, I'd love too, Y/N"

Jack walked in my house and looked around. "Well this is homey," he said. He walked over to the staircase. "Two floors, nice wood smell, I could get used to a place like this." He walked over to me, I was still standing in the doorway. He smiled and waltzed over to me. "I love this place," he whispered in my ear. He leaned down and kissed me softly.

"This place loves you," I smiled up at him.

He laughed and his chocolate eyes sparkled. I couldn't help looking at them. They captured my gaze. I was drawn to him. I couldn't let this one go. Not like the last one. Jack smiles down at me again. "Wanna go upstairs?" He asks.

I giggle. "Okay."

I led him upstairs, seeing as he doesn't know where anything is in my place. I lead him to my room. It's a normal sized room, mostly blues and purples. My bed's a queen sized with plenty of pillows. I can't live without my pillows.

Jack turns on my light. "Oh my god," he whispered. "There are so many pillows."

"Yeah.." I blush a little.

"I love it!" He proceeded to run to my bed and belly flop. "It's soooo comfy."

I laughed at him. God he was adorable. "I love pillows."

"Me too!" Jack got up and pulled me down with him on my bed. "You're really great, Y/N, you know that?"

"Not really."

"You are! You have great taste in pillows and your house is so comfortable, and you have great taste in men." He winked at me.

"Before you, I really had terrible taste."

"Well maybe you just got lucky with me."

"I sure hope so."

"Don't worry, babe. With me, you'll be happy. I'll try my best." He kissed the top of my head.

I hugged him tight. "I sure hope you're not like them."

"I promise you I'm not."

"I believe you." I hugged him tighter. Somehow being in his arms was better than any other place I could've been.

I could feel myself starting to get sleepy. "Jack, I'm tired."

"It's okay, Y/N, you can sleep."

"But I'm still in my dressssss," I whined.

"I'll help."

"Okay." Jack took off my shoes and tossed them towards my closet. He then climbed on top of me and flipped me around. "So you're one of those dominant types, huh?" Jack laughed a bit and unzipped my dress.

"What do you wanna wear to bed?"

"I don't know, whatever's comfy." Jack rummaged through my drawers. He stops for a second, and grabs something. He held up a silk, short, night gown.

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