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Could you make a fluffy and smutty one where jack is really possessive and dominant around you and you two go out for a Christmas dinner or something and you dress really nicely and guys keep hitting on you and stuff and he gets mad thanks c:

AN Sorry it's literally taken me a month to update every time. Idk how busy I'm going to be for the next month classes start this week and I'm already freaking out. I think the only reason I've been able to update for this is because I'm just determined to? I don't really know how well I'm doing so pls tell me if these are good and whatnot. It's always weird having a roommate. Even weirder when you're writing smut like ten feet away. Anyway lmao she's gone for now, almost always leaves at night while I'm literally always here. Rip man. Enjoy the imagine my lovelies, you guys are seriously gr8 xx

Warning: smut

Your POV

Thick black liquid on eyelashes shouldn't make them stand out more, but for some weird reason, that's how mascara works. I was putting some on over my eyelashes, to make them thicker and darker and longer, when my boyfriend called up the stairs. "Y/N, are you ready to go yet?" he shouted.

"You and I both know that you take longer to get ready, Jack. Are you even done?"


"I said are you even done?"

"What about chicken?!"

I groaned. My boyfriend is literally four years old I swear. I sighed and put my makeup back in the drawer to head out to him. I fixed my hair, letting the curls fall where they pleased, and headed down to Jack, who was probably still deciding which shoes to wear.

"I said," I announced myself, watching him turn around to face me. "Are you even done?"

He cleared his throat as he stared at me. Then shook his head to rid his head of something. "You know I'm never done. Which shoes do you think I should wear?"

"It doesn't matter which shoes you wear."

"It always matters." He flopped on the sofa that was right next to the door, and groaned. "I don't want to go to this stupid party."

"You have to."

"No I don't."

"Jack, it's the first Christmas since your best friend got married, don't you want to support him?"

"No. He doesn't care about me."

I laughed and pulled him up. "Just because he won't go with you to strip clubs anymore doesn't mean he doesn't care about you."

"But it's not even strip clubs! He won't go anywhere with me!"

"Quit your whining and let's go! We're already late."

He pouted at me, then grabbed my waist. "I don't want to share you."

"You're not sharing me, now let's go, we're going. Stop acting like a baby."

"I'm always a baby!"

"Then quit it!" I finally got Jack out the door, and we were on our way to Alex and Lisa's party. He wouldn't let go of my hand the entire time we were in the Uber, no matter how much I tried to resist him. He whispered in my ear that he didn't want to let me go all night. I knew when he got like this. Every time I dressed up he'd get all paranoid that some dude is going to whisk me away.

I have reassured him countless times that that won't happen but he's not convinced. The only benefit is that there's always really good sex afterwards.

He stayed glued to my side the entire time we were there. His hand was on the small of my back, guiding me around, making sure I didn't go anywhere without him. "Can't you see it?" he whispered to me. "All the dudes in here want to fuck your brains out."

"No, Jack, I can't see it. This is Christmas time, no one thinks that."

"You underestimate the power of the male brain."

"You're such a dork," I laughed along with him. He went with me to talk to the girls even though there wasn't a topic there he'd relate to. We sat together as we ate the food Alex and Lisa prepared for us, and we walked out of the party together.

"Jesus Christ Jack, you couldn't let me alone for five minutes?" I asked him as we finally left.

"I had to make sure everyone knew you were there with me," he told me, his hands gently brushing my hair. "You were so beautiful tonight, I couldn't let anyone else think you were available. That didn't stop those guys from hitting on you either. I was by your side the entire time, and they still felt the need to hit on you."

"They're fuckboys, it's what they do."

"Well it's fucking annoying."

"Tell me about it."

We got home, and Jack still never let go of my hand the whole ride back. It wasn't until we got up to our room that he stopped touching me. When I let my hand breathe, he smirked at me. "Don't get too comfortable."

I laughed anyway and went up to change. I never really took off my makeup because I was always too lazy to, but since this was a special event, I put a lot on, and it needed to come off. I put on a slip to get more comfortable and went to find Jack. He was taking off his suit with his tie dangling off his neck, untied.

"Let's go watch movies," I told him, and he looked up at me. His eyes flashed with something I recognized, and I smiled. He came up towards me. His shoes that he spend twenty minutes deciding on were discarded to the side. He came towards me, his eyes locked on my lips. We stopped under the doorway.

"Oh, look," Jack grinned. "A mistletoe."

"You planned that."

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." He gave me a sly smirk and crashed his lips into mine, and I immediately kissed back. He was pushing me towards the bed, and I was gladly complying. This was my favorite part of my jealous boyfriend, the fact that he loved to dominate me to reclaim me as his because he felt I was taken away, even if it was just in the wild imagination of random guys.

He pushed me to the bed, sliding my slip over my head and was delighted by the fact that I didn't put any underwear underneath. He was getting too predictable, but I don't think he really cared much at this point. He quickly took his clothes off, getting next to me in the closest way possible. He was feeling me, and holding me, and getting me ready, which I always appreciated.

He always did enough foreplay that was just right. Some people did too little or too much, but he always could time it right. He pulled out his fingers to get himself ready for me, and when he slid inside I bucked my hips up in retaliation. He started off slow and not too deep, to get me ready, because even though he wanted to dominate me, he always made sure I was okay beforehand.

Hs picked up the pace, putting his right hand by my face, and his left on my bum. I grabbed on to his arm, digging my nails and teeth into it, because I was feeling so good. We rolled over so that I was on top, and his hands were on my thighs, squeezing them, but not too tight. I rocked back and forth, to get all his length, until it was too much and I flopped forward so that my chest was pressed to his. He kissed me, holding my face up to his, until he thrusted his last, and we were done.

I collapsed to the side, and looked over at him. "So how did you know we were going to do that?" he asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"Have sex? How did you know? You weren't wearing anything under your slip."

"Whenever you get jealous we always have really good sex."

He laughed and turned over to face me, propping himself up with his hand. "That is so not true."

"It definitely is. Name one time that didn't happen."

He fell on his back staring up at the ceiling. "I can't."


"Then I guess you're not prepared for round two." I laughed and threw the blanket over us as he started to kiss me again. 

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