Jack and Sally

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can i have an imagines where youre best friends with jack and youre carving jack and sally pumpkins and you two keep throwing the guts at each other and you slip and he kisses you and then fluffffff?

AN And I'm back! Hey guys, apologies for the lack of updates. Absolutely no service at my campsite. Then today we had this lovely idea that we should drive from Valdez to Fairbanks, and if you know anything about Alaska, you'd know that holy shit that's a long drive. But not only did we go from there to there, we also went from Fairbanks back down to Anchorage. It is currently almost 3 in the morning. I am tired as hell. I had some emotional distress on the way down, so no double update tonight. Maybe one tomorrow if I'm feeling up to it. I love you guys though, thank you so much for supporting me and being patient, I love you. I really hope you like it and that it's not too terrible. Enjoy friends xx

Your POV

I was sitting on the couch watching TV with Jack, something we always did on a weekend. But this weekend wasn't any weekend. It was the weekend before Halloween. So thanks to Alex, we got the entire place decked out. I didn't live with Jack or anything, but we did spend a lot of time together.

Jack is my absolute best friend, I can say that with confidence. Not sure if I rank higher than Alex on Jack's best friend scale, but it is my goal one day. We have been best friends forever, and we usually went all out for Halloween. When Alex was dressing up with Lisa, Jack was dressing up with me. It was wonderful.

We had already picked out our costumes. Jack was Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas, and I was his counterpart, Sally. Alex and Lisa were going as the Scarecrow and Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz.

We were both on the couch, bored out of our minds, watching whatever crap this was, I don't know, I started to zone out, and I would be lying if I didn't think Jack looked hot. I especially loved us as Jack and Sally. The entire time while shopping for our costumes, I was whisper singing to Jack, "We can live like Jack and Sally if we want . . ." He kept hitting my shoulder a lot to get me to stop. It didn't work.

So we were both on the couch, when I had an idea. "Jack?" I asked him, poking his side.

"Y/N," he mindlessly mumbled, his eyes still peeled to the TV.

"I have an idea."

"What's that?"

"We need Jack and Sally pumpkins."

"But that means we have to-"

"Jack and Sally pumpkins!" I interrupted him. "We need them. We will die if we don't have them."

"Y/N, you do realize that we're going to have to carve them."

"Of course, how else will the picture appear on it?" I cocked my head to the side giving him a small grin.

"I'm shit at carving."

"I'm shit at a lot of things I do, but I still do them nonetheless. Come on, please? It'll be fun, like loads of fun, please?" I gave him my best puppy dog face I could and booped his nose.

"Fine. But this is only because you're my best friend, and are willing to do a team costume with me."

"Yay!" I cheered throwing my arms around his neck.

We drove to get pumpkins and brought them home to carve. Thankfully there were still some left, usually people get theirs early. We had two perfectly plump pumpkins waiting to be gutted. I stared at them when Jack set them down.

"Jack, this is my least favorite part."

"Oh come on, Y/N, this is the best part."

"I always get it under my fingernails, it's gross."

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