The Curse of the Evil Coworker

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AN- I hope this suffices, it's a bit shorter than the previous ones, but I hope it's good. I finally finished it! Earlier than I said I would too so that's great. But I'm putting off my homework and I still have a shit ton that's due tomorrow. I'm a terrible procrastinator. Woo! brief sort of smut not really at the end! Exciting. Idk man if someone wants some smut, I kinda need to practice, so y'all could request some if you want .-. Okay, back to homework I go. See you in Hell.

PS Don't pay attention to my weird titles, I'm just thinking of what to call them, it's quite lame. Okay, carry on.

Jack's POV

It had been six months since I had last seen my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N. I felt so bad that we'd been apart for so long. I could tell that towards the end she was falling apart.I wanted more than anything to be with her and cuddle her and do everything I could with her just to make her feel better again.

I was riding in the cab waiting for it to get to our place. It was so nice to be back in Baltimore again. I was so happy that finally I would get to hold her in my arms again.

The cab finally pulled up to our house. I got out and ran to go meet Y/N. As I opened the door I shouted, "Honey, I'm home!" I waited for a response, but got nothing. That's strange, usually she's running up to me and jumping and we have a hot make-out session. I quiet my thoughts and listen more. I hear crying. That's never a good sign. Y/N rarely ever cries. I run to the noise. "Y/N! Y/N what's wrong?!" I call out.

"I'm okay," she sniffles.

"No you're not, love. C'mon, tell me what's wrong."

She ran up to me and hugged me really tight. "I've missed you.

"You and I both know that's not something to make you cry.

She took me to sit down with her on the couch."I can't," she whispers, holding in her tears. "You'll want to leave me."

"Don't worry, love. If it's got you this upset, I promise I won't leave. I'm not like that."

"Okay, here goes. Yesterday, at work, that guy, Jake, he. He touched my ass. Like more than once. At first it pissed me off, and I ignored it, but then it got worse. It kept growing the more I would ignore it. Like first it was a poke, then it was a touch then it was a caress, then it became a squeeze. I told him to stop, but he kept winking at me telling me I liked it. It pissed me off, but I didn't know what to do. So when it was time to go, I just got out of there really fast."

I stared at her for a second. She's telling me that someone else, who isn't me, is touching her. Where I touch her?! I got pissed. So pissed off, I was almost seeing red, but not quite. "What the fuck are you talking about, Y/N?! You mean that someone touched my girl? My Y/N? That man must die. You didn't even report him?"

"I couldn't!" she started stuttering. "I just wanted to get as far away from him as possible."

"Promise me that tomorrow you're going to report him."


"Promise me!"

"I promise I promise!" She had tears welling up in her eyes, and I could tell that she was going to cry again. "No, love, I'm sorry." I soothed. "Please don't cry again, I love you."

"I l-love you t-too," she stammered. She started crying.

"Come with me, babe."

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." I winked at her. I brought her upstairs to our bathroom. "Undress and get in a bathrobe for me?"

"Okay," she answered and went to the bedroom. I knew that baths always calm her down, maybe she'll feel better if I was there with her. I drew the bath, and called her in.

"Y/N, come in!"

"Coming," she called back. She walked in our marble white bathroom with her fuzzy purple bathrobe.

"You look adorable," I smiled at her. She blushed, and took off her robe. She was the definition of beauty. I could feel something in my pants going. Well shit.

"You do too," she laughed quietly, glancing down to my crotch then back up.

She got in the bathtub, and I stripped down and went in after her. Thank god the bathtub was big enough for the two of us, and not the tiny one I had growing up. I hugged her from behind and I could feel her finally starting to relax. "Shh, it's okay hun, just relax."

"I'm so glad I have you and not Jake."

"Me too." I started to rub her back. Jesus, she was tense. I felt her stiffening up again and she started to shake. "What's wrong, Y/N? Are you cold?"

"No it's just that-" she sobbed. "It's just that- why does there have to be so many goddamn assholes in this world."

"I don't know love."

"I just want everyone to go away, and for it to just be us two."

"Me too."

"Why does life have to be so hard?" She started to shake again.

"Because baby, it it were easy, everything else would survive as well as humans, and the world would be a crowded place."

She laughed at that and smiled again. "Thanks, Jack. You always know how to make me smile."

"Anything for you." I told her and kissed her head. We sat like that for a bit with me rubbing her shoulders, and her sitting there enjoying it. Then she stands up.

"Jack, will you come with me?"

"Come with you where?"

"Let's go to the bedroom." She gets out of the tub and dries off. She turns around to wink at me and glances down at my crotch again. "Come with me, if you know what I mean."

I'm out of that tub faster than I ever was at the mile in gym class. I follow her into the bedroom, and close the door for the night.

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