Still Friends

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Hi! First of all I wanna say that I love your imagines and second I wanted to ask if you could write one where you're bff with Rian and have feelings with each other but he's dating Cass who ask you (in a nice way) to stay away from Rian because she really wants to make him happy and know he can fall for her, so you start to hang out with Jack and slowly start falling for him and him for you, (can you make it really fluffy with him?) Rian sees you're trying 2 be happy he decides to do the same

AN Sorry about the whole forgetting to include the link thing. I'll include it this time though, and if I don't message me again. Sorry friends. Click here to see my 5SOS imagine blog. Also! Sorry I didn't write yesterday, I was out the entire day and when I got back, we watched a movie and I passed out, so I was unable to write. Maybe I should try writing in the middle of the day like normal people. Maybe. More Rian than there is Jack, but I promise this is a Jack story. Convo between you and Jack, enjoy xx

Your POV

I was hanging out with my best friend Rian and we were watching something on TV. Cass wasn't here, but she never really minded too much when I was over, so I figured it wasn't a problem. But there is a problem, you see. I really like him. I like him more than a friend, and I really want him as more of a friend. He's taken, and I don't even know if he likes me the same way. Probably not, you know, since he's taken and all.

I kept taking glances at Rian. It's what I do when I like someone. I hate it when people are obvious, but I don't even know how to let him know how I feel. I scooted closer to him, and he didn't flinch, so I laid my head on his shoulder. He leaned his head against mine, and I smiled. This was nice. Just me and him. No distractions. No girlfriends. Just Rian and I.

I decided to rest my hand on his leg, and he grabbed it in reaction, slowly stroking it. This was it. If Rian truly liked me only as a friend, he wouldn't be holding my hand, right? He doesn't do that, he wouldn't lead someone on. Am I reading too much into this?

I sighed and Ri lifted his head to look down at me. "You okay there?"

"Yeah," I smiled, returning his stare. "I'm really good."

He smiled back at me. "Me too," he said as he kissed my head. Head kisses. That's gotta mean something, it just has to.

"Ri?" I asked him, lifting my head from his shoulder.

"Yeah?" He continued to hold my hand and I couldn't help but smile.

"Do you like me? Do you like this?" I gestured to both of us with my free hand.

"What do you mean, hun? Of course I like you, you're my best friend."

I shivered when he called me that. Just one little word and I'm putty in his hands. His smile is undeniably beautiful. "I know that, I mean. Could I ever mean more to you than a best friend."

Rian nodded in understanding. He thought about what I said before responding. "I think you could get there, yeah." I smiled wide and bit my lip.

"Where would that put Cass?" I sighed, knowing that there wouldn't ever be any easy way to get her out of the picture, but if he wanted me and not her, that's gotta be clear.

Rian frowned at her mention. "I guess I'd have to see who meant more."

"How do I get to be the person you want?" I asked quietly. I didn't want to hurt Cass, but Rian is who I want. I know that there is no question about that.

"I don't know, you'll just have to see." He shook his head, thinking about what to do. I sighed and leaned back down on his shoulder again. With his other hand, Rian began to rub circles on my arms making the tiny hairs stand up. I sighed and nuzzled in closer, trying to rid my mind of Cass's face.

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