Police Jack

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Well I thought of something where you're a police officer and jack is your colleague and you both fell in love over the time with each other but never told the other. one night you get called to an emergency and then jack is about to get shot by a robbery but you push him away and then the bullet hits your head. Jack realizes what's going on when he sees all the blood coming from you. Later you're in a coma and jack is with you telling he loves you. Please a happy end and both povs. I love you <3

AN Wow it's been a while since I had last posted, I feel really bad T.T But I'm here and I'm excited to keep up my updating schedule (what's left of it anyway but yes hello, I'm still writing and I have not given up on you yet lovelies ! Hope you enjoy the imagine xx It's pretty long, but I figured you guys deserved it

Your POV

I can't tell you why I love working with Jack, my partner. Well, I couldn't until at least two months ago. We were called on a job together, and I had to go pick him up from his place. I've always loved his personality, and I thought the reason why we clicked together so well was because we were just really good friends. But when I went to go pick him up, he answered, shirtless, in a pair of low-riding sweatpants. I looked him up and down, and it was then when it clicked. Holy fucking shit, this guy is the most attractive human I have ever had the pleasure of encountering.

Nothing happened with him, just my attraction to him grew. It grew so large that I started to fall for him, personality, body, face, everything. He ruined me just by looking at him. I doubt I could say the same thing for him for me, though. I think I've fallen for him, but I can't tell. We spend every waking minute of every single day. Neither of us can have a real relationship because of this job. Am I just attracted to him because he's available, or because he understands? I can't tell.

"Barakat," our captain calls Jack to the office, likely giving us a job. Jack walks into the office, and I'm trying to figure out how to make a structure out of number two pencils and a styrofoam cup. I'm avoiding my paperwork, but when do I not?

I wait for our assignment to be announced, and my head's rested on my hand. When I hear the door jingle open, my head shoots up. "Job?" I ask him, excited.

Jack laughs, and the way his eyes light up say yes, and I smile in return. "Yeah, but not a fun one, just a stake out."

"Not lame," I tell him, shaking my head. "It's better than paperwork."

Jack laughs again, and grabs his badge and gun out of the drawer of his desk. "True, everything beats paperwork." Jack and I were on the same page when it came to paperwork. It was both of our least favorite thing about the job.

I grabbed my coat and police necessities and started to walk with Jack outside. "So what are we staking out?" I asked him, pushing open the door, the wind blowing through my hair.

"Some place is rumored to be robbed today so we have the day shift of just watching a bank and looking for suspicious activity."

"Sounds like a great time to be alive." We drove to the bank that Jack was informed about and the silence was a nice contrast to the usual. We didn't say anything to each other until my stomach started to growl.

"Hungry?" he asked me, smirking.

"Maybe," I told him, slouching in my seat. We continued to watch the building, and as it continued to do nothing, I got bored. "Jack, I'm bored."

"It's a stake out, of course you're bored."

"But I'm even more bored than I've ever been in my entire life."

Jack let out a short, cut laugh. "You're so overdramatic."

"I'm dying."

"Shut up." We bickered back and forth and nothing happened. For hours we were stuck in the squad car, looking a nothing, listening to nothing, and doing nothing. We hadn't moved very much until the people who were to take over our shift came and switched out with us. It was time to go home, and we had no other choice.

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