Hot Topic

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I'm not sure if this has been done, but can you make an imagine where Jack is a hot topic worker like in the video of him and Alex, and y/n works there too with smut? I know you have a lot of requests, so I understand if you can't get to it :)

AN So I didn't actually know there was a video for this, I just thought Jack and Alex were fucking around at hot topic, but holy shit that would be so fucking cool to see them there it makes me want to live some place that's not where I live currently. This is so beautiful like that would be so fucking awesome. My heart goes out to the UK for not having a hot topic (or the rest of europe) but not really because they get EPs that other people don't so it's a win lose and we're all sad now. I hope you enjoy! xx

Warning: smut

Your POV

    I was on my way to work at Hot Topic, not really thinking about anything other than what I was going to do when I got off work. Which was watch netflix. I never expected what happened at work to actually happen. I never expected half of my favorite band to show up and work with me.

    I arrived and Alex saw me, and screamed. He started fanning his face like a fangirl, and I chuckled. He gave me a side hug before telling me I was fired. "I'm taking over your job as an executive hugger today," he laughed.

    "I get to help people put clothes on," Jack said as he caught my eye. I laughed and he winked at me. "But I can also take clothes off pretty well."

    "Good to know," I nodded before we had to get to work. It was fucking amazing that I got paid to spend all day with my favorite people. We started out and they were taken from me immediately by all the girls that saw them. I smiled when I saw their jaws drop at the sight of our heroes. At least I got to spend all day with these idiots.

    I went to grab someone something off the top rack with the grabber when Jack took it from me and tried himself. "Ah! What am I doing, I'm going to fuck up." He got it up there successfully and said "That was fun, Let me know if you need any more hooking. I'm a good hooker."

    "I'll remember that," I told him with a smile before looking around for something else to do. Since Jack and Alex were here, none of the customers really wanted to talk to me, and instead were engrossed with the celebrities beforehand. I understood though, but I get to work with them today, so we can take all the pictures we want to later.

    I was folding some Captain America shirts when Jack came up by me. He unfolded one and then tried to fold it back up. "My suitcase for tour is always so messy, maybe you can teach me how to fold it."

    I took the shirt from him, and looked up at him. His eyes were staring down into mine, and I immediately looked away. How does he do that to me? So I took the shirt he was holding. "You fold it over like this," I instructed, him showing what I was doing as I was speaking. "And then finish like this."

    "Okay, I think I got it," he murmured, taking the shirt back. He stared at it for about a good ten seconds until he turned to me again. "But just to make sure, can you do the whole thing over, I wasn't listening."

    "Goddammit Jack," I mumbled, shaking my head.

    Alex appeared out of no where and said in a sing-song voice: "I say those exact words every day."

    "Alex, shut up, you can't do this either," Jack mumbled and stuck his tongue out at him.

    "I accept that challenge. You, over there," Alex pointed to me. "I challenge you to a fold competition."

    I shrugged, accepting. "Okay, you gonna pay me if I win?"

    "Jack can give you a blow job if you win."

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