Fanfiction Recreation

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could you maybe do one with Jack where he finds you reading fanfiction about him and then he kinda recreates it with you?

AN Sorry for being a loser and updating so late. I'm a terrible person. Hopefully I'll catch up over the winter break. Here's hoping. I feel a little dirty writing this. And it's not just because my cat keeps sneezing on me, though that part is true. Hope you don't mind the smut. The gif is Jack finding out what you're doing (you sly dog you) and the conversation is between Jack and Alex figuring out what to do (as always amirite)

Warning: Smut

Your POV

Jack was out with Alex, and I wanted to stay home. Usually I go with them, but today I just wanted to stay home. Before Jack and I got together, and I was just a fangirl, I had written so much fanfiction about Jack and Alex and Rian and Zack. So much fanfiction. Merrikat, Jalex, and even Rilex. Also ones with my own character involved. I wrote more OC's than I wrote Merrikat or Jalex though. One shitty Rilex story. That was it. Actually all my stories were shitty. But some were less shitty.

I was feeling nostalgic and grabbed my laptop. I opened my old Wattpad account and forgot why I never deleted it. It was sort of terrible from what I could read. I looked through my account and decided it wasn't really worth reading over again. I deleted my works (never got over 100 reads on it), but kept my account due to the fact that I wanted to read some of the other fanfics that were maybe written a little bit better. Also to see how well they depicted his personality.

I found a Jalex fanfiction and started to read it. They didn't get Alex's personality down at all, though Jack's was a little more accurate. I switched stories to one that was a bit smuttier and looked like a lot more fun. I started reading it, and even though I felt dirty inside, it helped me to think that Jack could actually do this shit.

I heard a car door slam and jumped a little. Shit. Jack's home. I closed my laptop and slid it under the couch so he didn't see it and open what I'd read earlier. I'll just exit the pages later. I heard Jack walk up to the front porch and open the door.

"I'm home!" Jack called. He feels it's necessary to constantly announce that he's home. I don't even know why.

"I know, I heard you on the porch!" I called back.

"Well, just in case you thought I was an intruder, I thought you'd like to know."

"My hero."

"So what have you been doing all day while I was at Alex's?" Jack came over to me after he took off his jacket and shoes and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Oh, nothing."

"Why do I find that hard to believe?" Jack laughed and looked around to see what I could've possibly been doing all day. "The TV's not on," he observed.

"I got bored."

"There is literally nothing around here, how could you have been entertained? Don't tell me I left my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N, here all alone without anything to do!" He put his hands on his cheeks like the kid, Kevin, in Home Alone. Thankfully he didn't scream.

"I have my ways, Jack."

"Oh yeah, and what're they?"

"That's classified." I stood up and walked into the kitchen to look for something to eat.

He followed me in. "Well, Y/N, I'd be glad to know what you've been doing around here all day without your precious boyfriend."

"I told you, Jack, that's classified."

"Guess I'll have to tickle it out of you." He ran up to me and attacked me.

"Jack! Jack! Stop it!" I yelled between laughs.

"Are you going to tell me what it is?"

"Why are you so curious? I'm going to rename you George if you keep this up."

Jack laughed and poked my side. "Because, I want to know what you've been doing."

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out." Jack grabbed my arm and looked at me with his pleading brown eyes. The ones I couldn't look away from.

"Please?" he asked, sticking out his bottom lip.

I leaned in close like I was gonna kiss him. He leaned in too, sort of confused. I breathed in and whispered, "No."

"Goddammit, Y/N." Jack exhaled.

I laughed and went upstairs. I called to him to let him know I was going to take a shower. He didn't call back so I assumed I was going to take one by myself.

Jack's POV

Y/N went to take a shower and I was left alone to my thoughts. I don't know why she didn't want to tell me about what she was doing. I flopped down on the couch and lied down. My arm dangled off from the side and I was doing my own form of stretching. I felt something cold and metal on my hand and looked down to see what I was touching. I looked upside down under the couch and saw Y/N's laptop. So this must be the confidential information she was was talking about.

Oh shit, what if she was cheating on me?

I got nervous and opened her laptop to see what she was looking at. It brought me to her login screen. I put in her password that she uses for everything, but that didn't work. It did give me a hint though.

After about 10 minutes of guessing, I finally figured it out. I was running out of time, though because Y/N doesn't usually take super long showers. It opened to where she last was on her laptop and it was Wattpad. A story/fanfiction site. The last story she read was... Huh. A smut story. About me. Hot. I smiled to myself, and decided to see if Alex had encountered this before. He dates more than I do.

I texted him and he wasn't any help. I had to do this all on my own. I read a little bit of what she was reading, and it was certainly... exciting. I laughed a bit to myself and went upstairs to where Y/N was taking a shower.

I opened the door. "Jack?" She called out. "I'm almost done, hang on a second."

"Hang on," I called back. I threw off all my clothes and walked towards the shower door. "I'm gonna join you."

She laughed a bit and I went in with her. I kissed her passionately and she kissed back with as much passion. I could feel my boner coming on and put my fingers inside her and pumped. She started to moan and move. I grabbed her by the ass and thighs and lifted her up and held her against the wall. I put myself in her and started going. She moved with me and we were held there for quite some time. I lost track. She started to breathe more heavily and moan a lot louder. I couldn't hold it in any longer and I whispered "cum with me baby." She screamed a bit and tightened up. I let myself go and she did as well.

I let her down and she panted to catch her breath. "What was that about?" she asked between breaths.

"I found out what you were doing today," I said while opening the shower door.

Her eyes grew wide and then they softened as she remembered. "So you decided to recreate what they made in their head?"

I smiled and looked at her while wiggling my eyebrows. "Hell yeah. Have any more stories you've read?" I laughed and she giggled.

She wrapped a towel around her and myself and dried us both off. She took my hand and led us in the bedroom. I followed her in and picked her up bridal style and closed the door.

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