The Late Valentine

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_mirkwood_girl: All by myself!!! Don't wanna be all by myself!!

Faramir: Why are you crying?

_mirkwood_girl: Valentines day was so sad this year... I had nobody...

Faramir: Awww... that's so sad!

_mirkwood_girl: (Sighs)

Faramir: Don't be sad! I know someone perfect for you! Someone handsome, brave, clever, kind and awesome... (Heroic pose and puffed out chest) Your perfect guy is standing right in front of you!

_mirkwood_girl: If you think that I would date yo-

Faramir: ELROS!!

Elros: (Drunk) Hey, beautiful! Has anyone ever told you (Hiccup) that you're beautiful?

_mirkwood_girl: Errr... (Whispers to Faramir) You gotta be kidding me...

Faramir: He's perfect! He's handsome, brave-

Elros: (Sees tiny spider) ARGH!!!! ITS COMING FOR ME!!!! MUMMY!!!!! (Runs away)

_mirkwood_girl: Phew! That got rid of him!

Faramir: I feel very offended that you didn't like my choice of boyfriend material... Ok! What about... I know! LEGOL-

_mirkwood_girl: Woah! Who's that guy over there? He's perfect!!! (Points)

Faramir: Where? Oh! Erm... I honestly think that my choice was better. You obviously don't need my help.. I'm just gonna go...

_mirkwood_girl: (Heart pupils) He's so gorgeous...

Gandalf: Hey, babe!

_mirkwood_girl: Hey!

Gandalf: Let's ride together through the sunset on Shadowfax! (Helps her onto his horse) RUN SHADOWFAX, RUN!!!!! (Dramatically ride off)

_mirkwood_girl: This is the best valentine ever!

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