Radagast climbs Insengard with Gandalf

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Gandalf: (Pacing up and down) Saruman is soooooo irritating!

Radagast: I know, Gandalf. We should give him a taste of his own medicine!

Gandalf: But what to do... (Gazes up to the ceiling stroking his beard)

Radagast: I know! Let's climb Isengard! We won't come down no matter what he says, or does!

Gandalf: We could have a party!

Radagast: Yeah! At the top!

Gandalf: We'll tell everyone!

Radagast: Except Saruman of course!

Gandalf: Yes, that's what I meant!

Radagast: Well you should have said! This is going to be so funny!

(At Isengard)

Gandalf: The door is locked!

Radagast: We'll have to climb up Isengard on the outside!

(They get to the top after hours and Gandalf summons a moth)

Radagast: What are you doing?

Gandalf: Telling the Lady Galadriel to invite everyone to the top of Isengard!

Radagast: Oh! Good idea, Gandalf!

(A few minutes later)

Radagast: How long are we going to have to wait?

Gandalf: Look! It Beorn!

Beorn: (Drops off an eagle onto Insengard) Hey dudes! How ya hangin'?

Thranduil: (Drops off another eagle) We are hanging FABULOUSLY!

(Soon, everyone is on Isengard)

Awren: Quick! Saruman is coming!

Legolas: Start singing!

(All sing 'They're taking the hobbits to Isengard)

Saruman: (Sees disco lights and hears music) WHAT THE???

Smaug: (Perches on Isengard, drunk) Loser! (Points at Saruman)

Saruman: You come down now, or I'll come and shove you all off!

Galadriel: The door's locked!

(Starts having a temper tantrum)

Gollum: Look! It is angry!!!

Nazgul: SCREECH!!!!

Elrond: DIE NAZGUL!!!!!!

Gollum: NOOO!!! ITS OUR FRIEND HE IS!!!!! DONT HURT IT!!!!! (Jumps in front of Elrond's blade)

Saruman: (Breaks his staff in half with anger and starts hitting the ground with his hands)
I'm gonna climb up there! (Begins to climb)

Smaug: (Jumps on the top causing the building to vibrate)

Saruman: (Falls off) NOOOOOOOOO!!! (Falls into his horse)

Horse: NEIGH!!!

Saruman: CURSE YOU, GANDALF!!!!!

Radagast: AND ME!!!!

Saruman: WHATEVER!

Lindir: LOL!!!

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