An average day in Rivendell

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Azog: (Shopping) I'll have this please! (Holds up apron)

Sauron: That'll be twenty pounds please!

Azog: There you go! (Hands over money)

Sauron: You know, I weave these aprons from the dried skin of my enemies?

Azog: It's so smooth! How do you do that?

Sauron: Sometimes, (Whispers) I weave in some elf hair as well!

Azog: Wow! I must try that! Thanks! (Walks off)

Lindir: (Shouting) Come get your chocolates here! Only one hundred pounds a box!!!

Elrond: (Next to him) That's too expensive, Lindir! No one will buy them!!

Lindir: (Moans) Fine!!! (Shouting) Three pounds a box!!!

Azog: (Sees the chocolate) Hmmmm... Perhaps I could get some for my wargs! (Starts walking over)

Galadriel: (Grabs him) Wait! I need to speak to you! (Looks at apron) Nice apron!

Azog: (Moans) No more dares! Please!!!

Galadriel: This is the last one, (Whispers) for now... I promise!

Azog: Okay good!

Galadriel: Do it for the readers!

Azog: What readers?!

Galadriel: Only I will ever know! (Creepily slides off)

Azog: You didn't tell me the dare!

Galadriel: Oh yeah!!! (Comes back) It's from zobro123!

Azog: Okay.

Galadriel: It says, wow I can't wait to see this!

Azog: Is that what it says?

Galadriel: No! It says that you and all your orcs have to start a flash mob in Rivendell!

Azog: That's good! We've been practising our dancing!!

Galadriel: Hahaha! Okay!!

(Later in Rivendell)

Arwen: What a beautiful evening!

Elrond: Yes, my daughter! It's so quiet! (Sees someone on the hill) Who's that?


Army: (Marches into Rivendell)

Elrond: Now? It's almost night time! Can't we do this tomorrow?!

Arwen: What are we going to do?!

Elrond: (Blows a horn) TO BATTLE!!!

Elves: (Run towards the orcs)

Azog: (Starts singing Wannabe by Spice Girls)
Yo, I'll tell you what I want
What I really really want.

Army: (Start tapping feet)
So tell me what you want
What you really really want.

Azog: I'll tell you what I want
What I really really want.

Army: So tell me what you want
What you really really want.

Azog: I wanna huh I wanna huh
I wanna huh I wanna hug
I really really really wanna Zig a Zig ah!

Elrond: (Clutching ears) What is this?!

Lindir: (Dancing)

Elrond: Stop!

Lindir: I can't!!!

Army: (Breakdancing)

Azog: If you want ma future
Forget ma past!
If you wanna get with me
Better make it fast!

Elves: (Watch) What do we do now?

Elrond: Hold your fire!!!

Army: Now don't go wasting
Ma precious time!

Gollum: (Jumps out from cave) Did someone say precious, my precious?

Elrond: They did.

Azog: Get your act together
We could be just fine!

Arwen: (Starts dancing)

Elrond: No! Don't dance!!!

Arwen: I can't help it!! The tune is too catchy!!!

Elrond: ARGH! ITS POISONING OUR MINDS!!! (Starts dancing) NO!!

Army: (Flips) I'll tell you what I want
What I really really want!

Azog: So tell me what you want
What you really really want!

Elrond: ARGH!! (Sings) HOW LONG IS THIS SONG?! (Puts hands over mouth) ARGH!!!

(Ten hours later)

Azog: If you wanna be ma lover!!!

Elrond: (Stops dancing) Phew! It's over!!

Lindir: That was scary!

Azog: RETREAT!!!

Army: (Runs away)

Arwen: Well that was unexpected!

Galadriel: I recorded the whooole thing!!

Elrond: Didn't you start dancing?

Galadriel: (Takes out ear plugs) What did you say?

Elrond: Ahhh! Good idea!

Arwen: Well, I must get some rest! (Goes to bed)

Galadriel: So must I! (Leaves)

Elrond: Goodbye, Lindir! (Leaves)

Lindir: Oh, all alone! (Starts breakdancing and singing)
Yo, I'll tell you what I want
What I really really want!


Lindir: Lol!

Hey guys!
I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I just want to say that my last chapter is next and I want it to be as good and funny as it can so I thought it would be a good to grab some ideas from you guys and include them in the last chapter! Thanks! Leave them in the comments!!!

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