Aragorn's worst dare

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Aragorn: (Still skydiving) WEEEEEE!!!

Galadriel: (Flips off an eagle and lands on top of Aragorn)

Aragorn: Get off the royal head!!!

Galadriel: Sorry!

Aragorn: Hello, what do you want?

Galadriel: (Sad look) I'm sorry but...

Aragorn: (Serious) But what?

Galadriel: You have to divorce Arwen...

Aragorn: But!


(Fireworks and streamers)

Aragorn: NO!!!! NOT HER!!!! SHE KILLED A MAN!!!

Galadriel: The Witch King was no man!

Aragorn: No not him!!!

Galadriel: Who?


Galadriel: He was killed in battle!

Aragorn: (Going crazy) Aye, that's what she wants you to think but really, it was the stew!!

Galadriel: The stew?

Aragorn: The stew!!!

Galadriel: The stew?

Aragorn: The stew!

Galadriel: The stew?

Aragorn: YES THE STEW!!!! THE ONE SHE MADE!!!! She gave it to me once but I was too clever and before I swallowed I SPAT IT OUT!!

Galadriel: (Gasps) Okay.. I will let you off this dare to save your soul from Eowen but I'm sure that FinduilasofAsh will be very disappointed...

Aragor,n: I'm sorry FinduilasofAsh but I love Arwen and I don't want anything to do with that man-murdering woman!

Sigrid: I heard you say "Man-murdering woman" so here I am!

Galadriel: (Blinks)

Aragorn: (Blinks)

Eye of Sauron: (Blinks) Yo wat mate?

Lindir: (Blinks) Lol!

Galadriel: What does 'LOL' stand for?

Lindir: It means in fact... (Puts glasses on) Loopy otter limas!!!

Galadriel: That's weird!

Itarilde: He is the definition of weird!

Lindir: Oh thanks!

Pippin: It actually means 'Lovely omelette lunch'!!!

Lindir: No it doesn't!!!

Bombur: It actually does!! I had a lol just now! It was delicious!!!

Elrond: Let's just stop with the Lols!!!


Lindir: (Quietly) Lol!

Elrond: (Facepalms)

Hello Wattpadders!!

Me and Lindir thought it would be funny if you guys could make up some silly meanings of 'LOL' and leave them in the comments! They can be as weird or stupid as your heart desires! It will be fun to read!

From Itarilde and Lindir!

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