Pippin eats a Morgul mushroom

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Pippin: Hey Merry!

Merry: What?

Pippin: You want to go and destroy evil?

Merry: Okay!

(At Dolguldur)

Merry: Pip? I think this place is evil!

Pippin: Don't be scared! (Sees a mushroom) Ooooo! Mushroom!

Merry: No Pip! It's an evil mushroom!

Pippin: What on earth is an evil mushroom! (Laughs and eats the mushroom)

Merry: Nooooooooo!

Sauron: Argh! You ate my Morgul mushroom! You have no idea how hard that was to grow!

Pippin: Oh! (Faints)

Merry: No, Pip! Noooooo!

Arwen: I'll save him! (Magically heals him)

Pippin: Yay! I'm alive!

Merry: I'm going to tell Gandalf that you ate a cursed mushroom!

Pippin: No! Don't! He'll make fun of me!

(Later at Rivendell)

Merry: Hey! Gandalf!

Gandalf: Yes, trouble?

Merry: Pippin ate Sauron's Morgul mushroom!

Gandalf: (Looks at Pippin) Fool of a Took!

Pippin: (Growls at Merry)

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