More dares

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Legolas: (Practicing his skateboarding skills)

Saruman: (Breakdances over to Legolas) Yo, mr!

Legolas: Um... Hi?

Saruman: Galadriel has stopped being the dare queen!

Legolas: So?

Saruman: I have a dare for you so listen up 'cos I'm not gonna repeat myself!

Legolas: Oh god...

Saruman: Dis is from Doctor_Space! You have to cut yo Pap's hair!

Legolas: (Goes pale) But!

Saruman: Yo wanna know why dey call me Saruman? Because I'm Saru da man!!!

Legolas: He's gonna eat me!!!

Saruman: You what, mate?!

Legolas: My ada loves his hair!!!!

Saruman: So what?

Legolas: I CAN'T CUT IT!!!!

Saruman: Think of all those disappointed fans out there! (Looks dramatically into the distance)

Legolas: (Looks where he's looking) What are you looking at?

Saruman: The future...

Legolas: Ok... Have fun with that... (Runs over to Thranduil)

Legolas: Ada?

Thranduil: Yes, my little blossom?

Legolas: Um... Can I cut your hair?

Thranduil: ...

Legolas: (Looks hopeful) Well?

Thranduil: Well, let's see... NOOOO!!!!

Legolas: PLEASE!!!! IF I DON'T I'LL LOSE ALL MY FANS!!!!! (Starts crying into his father's robes)

Thranduil: GOOD!!! (Walks away)

Legolas: Fine then...


Thranduil: (Sleeping fabulously)

Tauriel: (Whispering) What are you doing?

Legolas: Going to give him a haircut!

Tauriel: Cool beans!

Legolas: Shh! (Starts snipping Thranduil's hair off)

Tauriel and Legolas: (Snigger)


Legolas: Done!

Tauriel: Mwahaha!!! Mwahahahahahahahahaaa!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!

Thranduil: Wha? What's going on? (Sees scissors in Legolas's hand) You didn't!

Legolas: (Smirks)

Thranduil: (Runs to a mirror) WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! MY HAIR!!! MY FABULOUS PRECIOUS HAIR!!!!!

Gollum: Did someone say precious?

Thranduil: (Starts crying) I AM GOING TO HAVE TO WEAR A WIG!!!!!! A WIG!!!!!!!

Legolas: What about this one? (Holds up a bright orange wig)

Thranduil: It's it's... FABULOUS!!!!!!

(At Hobbiton)

Saruman: Yo, Sam!

Sam: (Wearing sun glasses) Yo!!!

(Both start breakdancing)

Saruman: Back to da point! I have a dare for you from Doctor_Space!!! It says... (Reads off ElFone) Stay away from Frodo for a day!


Saruman: Dude! We're not in Mordor anymore! Calm it, man!

Sauron: I HAVE COME TO TAKE OVER MIDDLE EARTH!!! ALL SHALL FALL!!!! (Looks at Hobbiton) Awwwww! This place is adorable!!!!!

Bilbo: My evil over lord! Would you care to join me for a cup of tea?

Sauron: Do you have earl grey?

Bilbo: Of course!

Sauron: Oh, well! I'd love to!

Saruman: Do da dare!


Saruman: Fo da fans!!!

Gollum: Potatoes!!!! I love them!!! They are my precious!!!

Sam: I told you they were nice!!!!


Sam: Okay! I'll do the dare!!!

(One minute until the end of the day)

Sam: This was actually easy!!!

Frodo: Hey Sam, I haven't seen you all day!

Sam: Noooooooo!!! You ruined my day!!!!!! (Runs away)

Frodo: Wow!!!

Saruman: It was a dare!

Frodo: What was?

Saruman: He had to stay away from you for a whole day!

Frodo: Oh... Ok!

Saruman: (Walks home) Saruman has left the building!!!

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