Faramir writes a fanfiction about Boromir

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Boromir: He likes me more!

Faramir: No he likes me more!

Boromir: He said to you that he wishes you were dead instead of me!

Faramir: Go away then! You're supposed to be dead!

Lindir: ARGH!!!! ITS A GHOST!!!! (Runs away screaming and smashes through a window)

Boromir: (Goes away)

Faramir: (Grabs Thorin's Elftop) Right! Let's write a fanfic on Wattpad about Boromir! Hahahahaha!

Denethor: (Walks in) What are you doing?

Faramir: Nothing!

Denethor: Hm... Of course you aren't! (Walks away)

Faramir: Right! (Begins typing)


Thorin: (Reading the fanfic) Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Fili! Kili! Come and read this!

Fili: "The Adventures of Boastful Boromir" Who wrote this?

Kili: Faramirtheawesome! Is that-

Thorin: Faramir? Yes!

Lindir: LOL!

Kili: Let us read it! (Snatches the Elftop from Thorin)

Fili: "These are the adventures of Boastful Boromir, so named as he was very boastful. Everyone in the kingdom found him annoying!" Seriously, even I could write better that this!

Kili: Keep reading!

Fili: "One day Boromir goes to pillage the peasants. They all hated him even more! An angry mob chases him down the streets then he slips over in mud and humiliates himself!"

Kili: I'm leaving...

Kili: Me too...

Thorin: This is awful!

Lindir: I'm writing a letter of complaint!

(All leave, apart from Lindir who writes a letter of complaint to Faramir)

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