Legolas gets a GoKart

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Legolas: Ugh! I'm soooooo bored!

Tauriel: Why don't you go hunting? We always need extra servings, especially when Bombur's around!

Legolas: Well he's not! (Folds arms)

Thranduil: Legolas!!!! I got you a pressi!!!!

Legolas: (Face lights up) OMG DAD!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!

Thranduil: (Gives a little dance of triumph) Oh Tauriel! You might want to keep an eye on him! Perhaps I shouldn't have got him that!

Legolas: (Riding a GoKart down the staircase) Yeah!!!! Wooooo!!!

Tauriel: I see what you mean! I'll look after him!

(Outside in the woods)

Legolas: Will you help me build a ramp? Please! Please! Please say yes!

Tauriel: I promised your Dad-

Legolas: Ugh! Dad is such a loser!

Tauriel: I know!!!! Finally someone I can talk to!!!! He keeps calling me Towel Rail! What's his problem???

Legolas: Come on! Let's build the ramp!

(They both build the ramp. It starts at the top of a tree and goes into a ramp up next to the creek)

Tauriel: Are you ready?

Legolas: (Sitting on the kart at the top of the ramp) Ready!

Tauriel: 3... 2... 1... GOOOOO!!!

Legolas: (Rolls down the track) Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! (The kart flys off the end and strait into the icy water)

Tauriel: LEGOLAS!!! (Looks out across the creek)

(A block of ice floats up to the surface. Inside Legolas is frozen solid)

Tauriel: SMAUG!!!!

Smaug: (Flys along the creek and grabs Legolas and drops him in front of Tauriel. He breathes fire on him and he melts)

Legolas: (Jumps up) Yeah!!! Wooo!!! Let's do that again!!!

Smaug: You're welcome!

Tauriel: Thanks Smaug! Legolas, your kart is gone!

Legolas: Nooooooooo! (Begins to cry and runs away screaming)

Smaug: WHAT THE???

Lindir: (Emerges from a bush) LOL!!!!

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