Legolas's fangirl

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Legolas: (Trying to wash off the pink dye in a river) DARN THIS DYE!!

Galadriel: HAHAHAHA! What are you doing?!

Legolas: What does it look like?

Galadriel: It ain't ever coming off!

Legolas: (Gives up)

Galadriel: EmilyMaurer has a very tricky question for you!

Legolas: Give it to me!

Galadriel: If you could pick any fangirl to love and propose to, who would it be?

Legolas: (Kneels before her ad takes her hand) Why it would be you of course, my fair lady!

Galadriel: (Takes her hand away) EEW!! NO!!! IM MARRIED!!!

Legolas: Well then, it would have to be Tauriel!

Tauriel: I heard my name, are you talking about meeee? Legolas. (Death stare)

Legolas: What?!

Tauriel: You kissed me!!!

Legolas: Not this again...

Tauriel: ARGH!!! (Raises hand)

Legolas: Don't hit me don't hit meeee!!! (Screams and cowers in a corner)

Tauriel: (Starts hitting him) ARGH!!!!

Galadriel: Lol!

Tauriel: Doesn't Lindir say that?

Galadriel: Ya but he's eaten to many chocolates and is on Bard's training course!

Tauriel: Oh! (Continues hitting Legolas)

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