The multicoloured coat

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Bard: (Trying to kill Smaug) YOU WILL DIE AND STAY DEAD!!!!!

Smaug: Nananana!!! You'll never kill me!!! IM INVINCIBLE!!!!!! (Evil Satan laugh) MWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!

Bard: That's what they all say!!!

parallelamy: Hey Bard?

Bard: Hello, stranger!

parallelamy: I bought you a present! (Hands Bard a box)

Bard: (Opens it) Oh wow! It's marvellous! (Holds up a multicoloured coat)

parallelamy: I'm glad you like it!!

Bard: Why thank you! What is your name?

parallelamy: I'm parallelamy!

Bard: Nice to meet you!

Smaug: Ooooooo! Bard's got a girlfriend!!!

Bard: Shut up!!!!

Smaug: No!!!

Bard: Yes!!!


Smaug: IM COMING MUMMY!!! (Flys away)

Bard: (Puts on the coat and twirls around) I look fabulous!!!!

Thranduil: IM MORE FABULOUS!!!!

Bard: IM MORE EPIC!!!!

parallelamy: Calm down, girls!!!! (Looks at Thranduil) You're the king of fabulousness and you're (Looks at Bard) The Lord of Epicness!!!

Thranduil: Yay! (Swishes away)

Bard: Hahahaha!!!

parallelamy: Hahahaha!!!

Bard: (Bows) I must go now!!! (Flies away singing) I look handsome I look smart, I am a walking work of art. Such a dazzling coat of many colours, how I love my coat of many colours!

parallelamy: He's crazy!!

Kili: I know!! I didn't know he could fly!!!!

Smaug: I can fly!!!

Fili: You're a dragon!!!

Smaug: Am I?

Fili: Yes!!

Smaug: Oh, I though I was a unicorn!!

Fili: (Facepalm)

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