Smaug is drunk

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(Smaug is in Erebor with the dwarves trying to annoy him)

Smaug: OMG!!!! LEAVE MY AWESOMENESS ALONE, YOU BULLIES!!!! (Begins to have a temper tantrum)

Dwalin: Awwwww! Poor little Smaugy Waugy is being picked on by dwarves!

Smaug: (Begins to cry) LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!

Thorin: Shall we make it up to him and buy him a drink?

Balin: Good idea! He's getting angry and you know that isn't a good idea, especially after his little 'episode'!

(All of them fly on Smaug's back to the Prancing Pony)

Thorin: Ok! We want fourteen pints of beer and five hundred gallons of wine for him! (Points to Smaug)

Bar man: Ok... (Gets what he ordered) I'll leave the barrels out back!

Smaug: Thanks! (Smashes through the wall to the back)

Bar man: (Leaves out the wine and opens the barrels)

Smaug: (Dunks his head into the barrel and drinks it. He continues to the others)

(Five minutes later)

Smaug: (Hiccups) TROLOLOLOLOLOLO! (Falls on a table and crushes it) LOL!!!!

Bilbo: SMAUG!!!! SMAUG!!!! Are you ok???

Smaug: (Looks at Bilbo) Hey there, beautiful! Will you marry me? (Sits on top of Thorin)

Thorin: FOOL!!!!!

Bilbo: (Edges away towards the door and sprints all the way back to Bag End screaming his head off)

Gloin: You can't fly back, Laddy! You're as drunk as a... Hmmm....

Bofur: A drunk peacock!!

Dwarves: (Laugh) That's good!!!

Bofur: Awwwww thanks guys!!!!

Smaug: I'll stay here for the night!!!! (Falls asleep on top of the dwarves)

Dori: It looks like we're here over night!

Thranduil: (Waltzes in) Hello, peasants! PILE UP!!!!!! (Jumps on top of Smaug and starts dancing)


Elrond: (Grabs Lindir and drags him away) Sorry he's drunk, again!


Smaug: (Sits up) I believe you! (Falls back asleep)

Dwarves: Owwwwww!

Lindir: Lol!!!!! Pile ups are so funny!!!! Especially with dragons!!!! It's all like 'no don't squish me! Argh!'

Thorin: Get this drunk peacock off us!!!!

Smaug: (Jumps up and flys away strait into a tree)

Lindir: LOL!!!!

Thanks for da reads!!!! The ideas for this one were from my friend!!!!! Please leave any story ideas here and I can write them!!! Thanks again!!!!

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