Wii Sports

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Kili: Look what I got! (Holds up Wii box in front of everyone)

Fili: OMG!!!! Can I play?

Kili: Of course! There're four controllers!

Bofur: I want to play!!

Kili: Okay! There's one more controller!

Thorin: Out of the way, majesty coming through! (Pushes past everyone) Give me one!

Kili: Ooooo! Stressy!

Thorin: (Death glare)

Kili: (Scared) Okay... Let's start! How do we plug this in?!

Beorn: Out of ma way! (Grabs plug and starts smashing it into the wall) There.

Bofur: Urm... okay...

Kili: I don't think that's gonna wor-

Beorn: (Turns on Wii) Works!

Fili: Wow! I didn't know you could do that!

Beorn: Well now you do! (Walks off)

Thorin: (Shocked) I knew that!

Kili: Okay! What do you wanna play?

Thorin: WII SPORTS!!!!!

Kili: ARGH!!! (Hides behind Fili) HES RABID!!!

Thorin: WHAT?! I am not rabid! (Holds head high) I'm majestic.

Fili: (Mimics) I'm majestic. (Holds head high)

Thorin: (Death glare) Can we just start now?!

Kili: Come on then. Okay, Wii sports... (Clicks)

Bofur: WOOOOO!!! YEAH!!!!

Kili: Wat?

Fili: Wat?

Thorin: Wat?

Middle Earth: Wat?

Kili: Okay...

Bofur: (Crazy grin) Hehehe!

(Wii sports starts)

Thorin: TENNIS!!!!!

Kili: I wanna do Baseball!


Kili: ARGH!!! OKAY!!!! (Clicks on tennis)

Thorin: YEAH!!!! BRING IT ON!!!!

Fili: Erm...

Kili: ... Me and Fili vs Thorin and Bofur!

Thorin: YEAH!!!! (Punching Bofur's arm)

Bofur: (Unsure) Yeah...?

Thorin: (Shouting in his ear) YEAH!!!!


Thorin: (Serves) DIE!!!!

Fili: (Hides behind Kili) ITS GONNA HIT ME!!!

Kili: (Looks at him) ITS IN THE TV!!!! GOSH!!!

Thorin: Ugh! This is soooo boring! Can't you guys play without running away?!

Fili: Well-

Kili: No. Well, I can but he can't!

Bofur: Let's get someone else! Goodbye Fili! (Smiles and waves)

Fili: I'll ask Balin.

Thorin: Balin can't even swing his sword without cracking his back!

Fili: You'd be surprised! (Walks away)

Kili: This is gonna be terrible! (Facepalms)

Balin: (Ancient voice) Helloo?

Kili: Come on! You're on my side!

Balin: Okay, young man.

Thorin: (Prepares to serve) Your goin' down, Santa!

Balin: We'll see about that!

Thorin: (Serves) DIE!!!

Balin: (Swings and smashes Thorin in the face with his controller) Oh sorry, did 'Santa' just... BEAT YOU SENSELESS?! AGAIN!!!

Thorin: (Growls) YOURE ON, OLD MAN!!!! (Serves)

Kili: (Gently taps it back)


Kili: Argh! Okay!

Thorin: (Swings and smashes the TV) Oops.

Gandalf: I can fix it!!! (Tries magicing it back together) Darn it! Ma staffs broken! Oh, wait! I've got superglue! (Starts gluing TV back together)

Bofur: This is gonna take forever!

Kili: Come on... let's go.

Thorin: Agreed! (Walks away with them)

Gandalf: Hey guys! Aren't you gonna help me?!

Thorin: Naaaaa...

Lindir: I'll help! (Glues bits of the TV to his hands) Look, I'm Edward Scissor hands!

Gandalf: Huh! Lol!

Lindir: I SAY LOL!!! (Starts whacking him with 'scissor hands')

Gandalf: Argh! Get off me!!

Elrond: HEY LINDIR!!!! GET OFF HIM!! (Drags him away by the collar)

Lindir: NEVER!!!

Elrond: Or I'll get lady Galadriel!

Lindir: No. Not her! Anyone but her!

Elrond: Really?

Lindir: PLEASE!!!!

Elrond: Okay... back to Rivendell with you! (Throws Lindir to Rivendell)


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