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Frodo and Pippin: (Playing cricket)

Frodo: And swing! (Hits ball)

Pippin: Cracking shot, old chap!!

Frodo: Thanks, my dear fellow!!

Saruman: Yo!! Peeps!! Watcha doin?!

Frodo: Ugh!!! We were trying to be posh! Then you come in and ruin our game!!!

Saruman: Woah! Saru-da-man is way to posh to be posh!

Pippin: That doesn't even make sense and that's a lot coming from me!

Saruman: Whatever!!!

Pippin: What did you want?!

Saruman: Well, da lady Galadriel is on holiday so can't be dare queen at da moment so it's now Saru-da-man!!

Pippin: Oh gosh... (Facepalms)

Saruman: Yo gonna love dis dare from HiFunctioningHobbit!!

Frodo: Yeah? What is it?

Saruman: Yo have ta be nurses for a week!!!

Frodo: My dream!!!!

Pippin: Na ah! I can't deal with blood!!

Frodo: Really?

Pippin: Since the time you got ash on my tomatoes I can't stand it!

Frodo: Why?

Pippin: Because the colour of blood reminds me of those poor helpless tomatoes!

Saruman: Okay... Whatever dude! (Disappears)

Pippin: Right! Now we just need to wait for a patient...

Frodo: We should set up a clinic!!

Pippin: At your house?

Frodo: Okay, but I don't know what Bilbo will think!


Bilbo: You want to do what?!

Frodo: Its only for a week!

Bilbo: I guess you can! You are helping people...

Pippin: Thanks Bilbo!!!

Frodo: Now escort yourself off the premises!

Bilbo: Well that's rude!


Frodo: (Sighs) We've had no patients all day!

Pippin: I wonder why... (Absent minded slashing the bed with a scalpel)

Frodo: (Scared)

Legolas: (Bursts through the door) ARGH!!!!

Frodo: What's happened?!


Pippin: How far did you fall?!

Legolas: About an arms length!

Frodo: And you broke your arm?

Legolas: JUST HELP!!!!

Pippin: Okay, hop onto the bed, sir!

Legolas: (Hops over to bed and sits down)

Pippin: Now let me see your leg!

Legolas: (Holds out leg which has a tiny bruise) ARGH!!! ITS HORRIFIC!!!!

Pippin: (Raises eyebrow) Really?

Legolas: ITS KILLING ME!!!

Pippin: Okay okay... (Puts ice on it)

Legolas: (Jumps up) IM BETTER!!!!! (Runs off)

Pippin: Okay...

Frodo: Well, just a week more of this...

Pippin: Wish us luck!

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