Thranduil's elk is stolen

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(In the Woodland Realm)

Thranduil: (crying) My elk! My poor elk! What shall I do now?

Legolas: Ugh! Dad! Just forget about your moose!

Thranduil: ELK!!!! ITS AN ELK!!!!

Legolas: Whatever!

Thranduil: It's been stolen!!!! That elk represented our whole realm! This is why you will never be king!

Legolas: Who's going to be king after you then?

Thranduil: ...

Legolas: Well?

Thranduil: (Points to a random elf walking past) He will be king!

Elf: Woooooo!!! Yeah!!! I'm gonna be the king!!!! (Runs away to tell everyone)

Legolas: Ugh! You're soooooo annoying!!!!

Thranduil: (Continues crying)

Legolas: (Sighs) If I get your moose back, will you make me king?

Thranduil: Oh... Alright then...

Legolas: (Jumps in the air) Wooooo!!! Yeah!!!! Come on Tauriel!!! Let's go and find Dad's elk!

Tauriel: (Grabs her bow and arrows) Let's go!!!

(The two follow a scent trail of elk until they reach a clearing. Smaug, Sauron, Azog and Saruman are sitting in a circle, meditating)

Smaug: (Snarls) Elvish scum!

Sauron: Find your inner peace, Smaug!

Saruman: Do you wish to join us? (Looks at the elves)

Tauriel: No thanks! We're looking for an elk! Have you seen one?

Azog: You mean that elk? (Points to an elk cooking on a spit)

Legolas: No, you idiots! A living elk! You think my Dad would ride a cooked elk?

Tauriel: Legolas... (Looks sad)

Legolas: What?

Tauriel: That IS your dad's elk!

Legolas: ...

Tauriel: What are you going to tell your dad?

Legolas: That his elk is- OVER THERE! (Points)

Pippin: (Riding Thranduil's elk) Yeeeee haaaa!!! (Charges into a tree at full speed)

(Elk's antler falls off)


Pippin: You can glue it back on!!!

Lindir: LOL!!! (Rides away on the elk)

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