The Boy Who Lived and the Boy who lost

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All was Quiet on Private drive as a tabby cat walked around surveying the area, that was until the cat spotted someone walking across the freshly cut field. The man in question wore a pointed hat half-moon spectacle, had a silver beard which reached near his waist and wore a set of wizarding robes. As he approached the cat he stopped.

"I should have known you would be here Minerva." He said

As the cat looked up at the older man, she transformed into a woman who wore bright green robes and a pair of spectacles.

"Good evening Albus." she said.

"Are the rumours true Albus?" she asked.

"I am afraid so Professor the good and the bad." he sighed as they continued to walk.

"Is he gone than Albus has you-know-who finally been defeated?" she asked.

"For now, yes he has been defeated but we lost many a good and brave people." he sighed again.

"So, it's true then, Lily, James, Maria and Kadon are all dead?" McGonagall said while fighting back tears.

"I am afraid so Professor." Dumbledore said

"And what of the boys?" McGonagall asked.

"Hagrid is bringing them." said Dumbledore said as he looked up at the night sky.

"Are you sure it is wise to leave something as important as this to Hagrid?" McGonagall asked.

"Ah Professor I would trust Hagrid with my life." Dumbledore replied.

Suddenly there was a roar of a motorcycle engine and a bright light that was getting closer and closer McGonagall jumped and hung onto Dumbledore's arm.

A large man got off the bike.

"Professor Dumbledore Sir, Professor McGonagall." he said.

"Any Problems with the boys Hagrid?" Dumbledore asked.

"No Sir." Hagrid Replied as he passed over a boy with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore walked over to number 4 private drive and laid the boy down with a letter.

"Good Luck Harry Potter." Dumbledore said as he walked back over to McGonagall and Hagrid.

McGonagall started to protest about his decision to leave the boy who lived in the company of these muggles when Dumbledore raised his hand to silence her.

As McGonagall fell silent, she asked "What of the other boy?"

"He will be left with a muggle orphanage until he is ready to attend Hogwarts." Dumbledore said

"Why Albus?" McGonagall asked.

"It was an arrangement I had with Kadon and Maria, should anything happen to them he was to be taken to it." Dumbledore Said.

"But surely it would be best if he stayed with people who can help him understand who he is and what he is capable of." McGonagall argued.

"No." Dumbledore stated calmly.

As he walked over to Hagrid who still had the other boy, He saw tears in Hagrid's eyes and followed his eyeline to where a young Harry now lay.

"There, there Hagrid It's not forever you will see him again soon." Dumbledore said with a smile to the giant of a man.

As Dumbledore looked at the other boy with his H/C and E/C he remembered Kadon and how Kadon had come to know of his lineage. Hopefully when the time was right young Y/N would react in the same was as his father had.

As Dumbledore took the young boy in his arms, Hagrid asked.

"Will he be attending Hogwarts as well Sir?"

"Yes, Hagrid he will, but for now I must take him to the orphanage to keep him safe." Dumbledore Replied.

As Dumbledore walked away with the child he disappeared and soon arrived at the orphanage Kadon and Maria had arranged for him to stay at. As Dumbledore laid the boy down in the same way as he had Harry, he left another letter on the boy.

"Good Luck Y/N L/N. " he said as he walked away and disappeared into the night. 

Harry Potter x Male Reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now