Namjoon - Under the Cherry Blossoms

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This has been in my drafts for forever 😅
Anyway, the inspiration for this came from a video called The Last Airbender Water Tribe Music & Ambience by Ambience Worlds on YouTube (linked above). Specifically from 22:22 to 31:18 and other sections similar. If you're able to, I'd recommend listening to the music as you read (screen in screen will work for this video) as it really sets the tone for the whole thing, and I would suggest starting a few seconds before 22 minutes as the music unintentionally matches up fairly well with the scenes.
Also, this isn't set in any specific time of place, just ancient Aisa type vibes, with the really old and really beautiful clothing and architecture and things of the like.
But without further ado, please enjoy.


A soft breeze rustles through the leaves of a quiet forest, the animals there at rest and at peace in the tranquil nature. The soil shifts as a girl takes careful steps, holding the skirts of her fancy dress to keep the ends from getting too dirty as she makes her way towards her favorite place. A small grove of cherry blossom trees that border and connect one kingdom to the next. The girl let's out a relaxed sigh when she makes it and settles next to the small stream that sits in the center of the grove. She's never more at peace than she is when she's here. She can relax here and just be herself. There's no reputation to uphold or image to maintain.

This girl is Y/n, the only daughter and beloved princess to Choi Seojun, ruler of the Kingdom to the West. She is loved by all for her kind nature and doted on by her father who swore to give her everything when her mother died of sickness. She wants to do good for her kingdom, and she loves her people, but being the only heir to the throne has a lot of responsibilities, a lot of them taxing and requiring to be stoic and refined a lot of the time. It's nice to just get away from it all for a while and to just be alone. But she wouldn't be for long.

Unbeknownst to her there was a boy making his way to the same spot for the same reasons. Namjoon is the second oldest son and knowledgable prince to Kim Minjun, the ruler of the Kingdom to the East. Much like Y/n Namjoon loves his people and wants to do what he can for them, but much like Y/n he likes to get away for a while, just to relax, read a book, and just be himself. He honestly never expected anyone came to this supposed secret spot, but when he heard a beautifully soft voice humming he found he didn't mind so much, especially when he saw the owner of the voice. An equally, if not more beautiful girl sat by the other side of the waters edge, watching as the pink petals floated peacefully on the stream.

His eyes widened a bit as he stared at her. She was so elegant and it almost seemed as if she was the only woman in the world for him at the moment. He had never been so awestruck by someone so fast in his life, it almost scared him. Almost. But he felt drawn to her and he unconsciously followed that pull. He didn't pay attention to where he was going and stumbled on a tree root, startling the beauty as he fell into veiw and she let out a small squeak of surprise. She didn't expect anyone to be there let alone anyone to fall right on the other side of the water.

"Are you okay?" She asked immediately.

He sighed and pushed himself to his knees, dusting the dirt from his slightly fancy attire, and nodded. "My ego's a little bruised, but other than that, I'm okay." She chuckled a bit and the sound brought a smile to his lips that he was able to elicit such a thing from her. "I'm surprised to see someone else out here, I don't think many people, if any at all, know about this little grove."

"I was just thinking the same. I think it's because of how close this place brings the two kingdoms. No one wants to trespass where they shouldn't and cause unnecessary trouble."

He nodded. "I think you may be right."

"It's a shame, though. This place is so beautiful. It should be seen by more people."

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