Taehyung - Time

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Your life together with Taehyung went by so fast. You were just a plain girl living a simple life when you happened to meet. You were working as a waitress in a small diner and he came in for breakfast. It was so early there was hardly anyone there so he didn't worry too much about being recognized.

He almost didn't hear you when you came to his table and asked for his order because he was instantly mesmerized by your smile. He quickly got his wits about him as he looked at the menu again slightly embarrassed and quickly gave you his order.

He secretly watched you as he sat there and got flustered every time you came near him. He ate very slowly, wanting to spend as much time as he could there. He ate so slow he was almost late to practice.

He came back everyday to see you. You thought it was very cute. You could tell he liked you and you liked him to. You were just waiting for him to ask you out. After a week of him not doing anything you decided to make the first move. You slipped him a note with your number. You saw him blush and smile as he left.

He called soon after for you first date. One date turned into two then five and soon you shared your first kiss together. You texted and called each other almost everyday especially when he was away on tour.

You always saw him off before he left and were always there when he got back. ARMY's loved your relationship and were never mean to you. They loved you as much as they loved the boys. ARMY's loved seeing new pictures of when you anxiously wait for his plane to arrive. Especially when you finally see him and run to him jumping into his arms.

You dated for three years before he asked you to marry him and of course you said yes. He promised he would love you forever but you already knew that. You knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him since the first time you kissed.

He was over the moon happy when you got married. It was just a quick ceremony with your families and friends. He then whisked you away for a two week honeymoon in the country. He made sure you wanted for nothing when he was with you and when he was gone.

Soon you found out you were eating for two and he was incredibly excited. He couldn't wait for his little baby to come. He took care of you and was very attentive to your needs and cravings and he comforted you through the birth. You had a beautiful baby girl you named Mina.

Time flew by as she grew to a toddler. Taehyung was an amazing father and you were thankful for having him in your life. Even if that time seemed too short.

One day Taehyung took Mina to his friends so she could visit her uncles. You were late with things you had to do and didn't go with them at that moment. You finished what you needed to do and rushed over to the dorms where everyone was at. But you didn't make it.

You were driving carefully like you always did but others weren't so careful. Things happened and a car swerved into you making you go off the road and crash. You were rushed to the hospital with major injuries.

Taehyung got a call from the hospital telling him what happened. He paled and started to panic. The boys kept Mina while Taehyung rushed to the hospital. He anxiously waited for the doctor to come out of the operating room. Taehyung almost broke when he did. There was too much damage. There was nothing they could do for you.

They let him into the room to say goodbye to you. You were already gone. He cried over you asking you to come back to him, to not leave him alone. He knew he would never love another woman like he did you. He was never with anyone again.

It took a while but he accepted what happened. He had to to be there for Mina. His little girl that had your eyes and laugh. She reminded him of you everyday. The way her little mouth went into a thin line when she was concentrating on something. When she laughed at his weird faces and random actions.

He missed you everyday and wanted to be with you but he knew you would want him to stay with Mina and his family. He found comfort in raising your daughter in your place. He told her everything about you as she grew into a teen.

One day something happened and he was in an accident.

He opened his eyes and he was in bed. He was years younger and everything had a dreamy haze. He rolled to his side and saw you smiling at him. You were on your back with your hand palm up between you two. Sun light shone on you making you glow. He smiled and intertwined your fingers.

"I miss you." He said.

"I miss you too." Your voice was like music to him.

"It's been so hard Y/n."

"I know Tae. But you're doing so well. Mina is so beautiful."

"She reminds me so much of you. She has your stubbornness." You lightly giggled. "Do I get to stay with you now?"

You slowly shook your head sadly. "No. It's not your time yet baby."

He slightly tightened his grip on your hand. "I need you Y/n. Please."

"Mina needs you more right now."

"I don't know how to raise her like you would want."

You lightly rubbed your thumb on his hand and he relaxed just a bit. "You're doing an amazing job. We've talked about this before. You know what to do."

"I want to stay with you. Everyday something happens and I want to tell you about it. Sometimes I still reach for your side of the bed expecting you to be there even though you haven't been for a while." A tear fell from his eye and slipped down his nose.

You rolled and propped yourself on your arm, still holding his hand, and looked down at him. "It's not your time yet. When something happens you can talk to me. I'll hear you. I always hear you. And I'm always there, even if you can't tell, laying right beside you."

"Promise?" You nodded with a smile. "Until it's my time. Wait for me."

"Always." You whispered, leaning down and lightly brushing your lips over his. A sweet kiss that sealed your promise and made him promise to wait too.

"I love you Kim Y/n."

"I love you Kim Taehyung."

When Taehyung opened his eyes again he was in a hospital room and Mina was in a chair beside his bed. A doctor came in soon after and told him he had a small concussion and was lucky to be alive. Taehyung knew it was you who helped him.

Even though he was a bit sad he had to wait a bit longer to see you, he was thankful that he could be with Mina longer. It was thanks to you she was here in the first place and now him. He devoted himself to raising her like you had discussed before.

Now she was a beautiful woman who was on her way to getting married herself. He proudly walked her down the aisle and gave her away. She looked beautiful in her white dress and he was reminded yet again of you.

He watched her from a distance as she lived with her new husband and lived her life. He lived long enough to see Mina have two little babies of her own. In his final days he could feel his time coming as he said goodbye to his daughter and her family. He closed his eyes to this world for the last time.

When he opened them he was young again. He looked around and he was in a large field of wild flowers and you were there, waiting for him just like you promised.

You smiled as you ran to him and jumped into his arms kissing him like he just got home from tour. He pulled away and tucked your hair behind your ears as he smiled back at you and admired you.

"It's time to go home." You said. "Are you ready?"

"As long as I'm with you I'm ready for anything."

You took his hand and together you walked to your new forever.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated for a bit. Sometimes it's hard pulling the stories from my brain. Like I know what I want to do and what I want to happen but I don't know how to get it out. But I promise I will pump out those few chapters I have started. I hope this chapter will suffice for now. Thank you for reading! I purple you! 💜

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