Taehyung - The Cliff

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Everyday he watched you walk to the edge of a rocky cliff and look down at the churning water. You had no emotion on your face as you gazed at the jagged rocks that lay beneath.

You would stand there, still as a statue, and he thought that's all you would do but you never stopped there. You let yourself fall forward and disappear into the raging sea.

He woke up sweating because he watched you die again. He hoped you wouldn't do it again but you always did. He cried as he thought of your body being mangled by the rocks. You were too pretty to be destroyed in such a way.

Everyday he would leave the house and wander the city aimlessly. He never paid attention to where he went but he always found himself back there. The place where you died.

"Why did you do it?" He wondered to himself. He loved you, he knew he did, but he can't do anything about it. You were gone. You were too far out of his reach. To him you were just like the wind. All around him yet just out of his grasp.

He watched the water, much like you did, and thought about you. It was so cold today. As if even the sun wouldn't dare shine on this spot that felt so sad. He was about to turn and leave when he saw you making your way towards him. Towards the cliff.

You couldn't take it anymore. All the hate and sadness in your life and the world. Everywhere you looked it was bleak and grey. Even your dreams were dismal. There was no escape. Except one.

You stood at the edge like you always did but this time was different. This time he was here. This time he can do something. You started to lean forwards. He lunged for you and grabbed your wrist pulling you back.

You looked at him and he was shining. He was glowing with life that you thought had left this world. This stranger, embodiment of light, looked at you with pleading eyes. He knew what you were going to do.

"Don't do it. I need you." He said. He held you close and rested his head on your shoulder. You felt his warmth bleeding into you. You put your arms around him and he knew you were staying with him.

He sighed with relief. He saved you this time. The stranger who haunted his dreams. He was finally able to stop his premonition from coming true.

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