Hoseok - Friend for Dinner

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It was lunch time and this was one of the few times you could blindly stare at your crush without having to really hide it. Jung Hoseok. You sighed dreamily as you watched him laugh with his friends. Part of a group called BTS he was one of the most popular guys in school.

You had a MAJOR crush on him and you knew it was pretty obvious. Your bestfriend Wolfie made it a goal to tell you this. She wasn't mean about it but she did like teasing you. He was just so handsome with his pink lips and great dancer body and-

"Y/n!" You jumped when Wolfie snapped her fingers in front of your face.

"Huh?" You said dazed.

She sighed while shaking her head. She had a teasing smile on her face. "Daydreaming about Hoseok again?"

You sighed with a goofy smile on your face. "Yeah." You didn't even bother trying to hide it.

"You really like him don't you?" She tilted her head at you. You nodded and she pursed her lips thinking. "Hmm."

"What was that 'hmm' for?"

"It should be okay I think..." She mumbled to herself as she glanced at the table holding the seven boys. It seemed like she didn't hear you.

"Helloooo. Earth to Wolfie." You tapped her arm and she looked at you. "What are you contemplating in that noggin of yours?"

"Well..." She sighed. "Fuck it. First you have to promise you will not freak out okay?" You nod. "You know how they all live together?"


She put her fingers on her temples. "I'm so gonna regret saying this but I maybe sorta kinda live with them."

"YOU WHA-" You started to shout before she clamped her hands over your mouth. You continued to excitedly shout while it was muffled. "Mm! Mmm mmm!"

"Yes yes I know 'that's awesome!' now calm down! You promised you wouldn't freak!" You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself. You nodded when you were fine and she removed her hands. Then something occurred to you.

"Why? How come I'm just now hearing about this? Since when? How do you know them?" You pelted her with questions.

"Yoongi is my brother. I live with him because our parents are off who knows where doing business. His friends are my friends. I didn't want anyone to know because they would just hound me about meeting them or whatever." She mumbled looking around making sure no one heard her.

"Min Yoongi is your brother?!" You whisper shout. She nodded. "How come I didn't know this?"

"Well it's not like I'm actually hiding it. Anyone would figure it out if they just payed attention. We have the same last name. Min Wolfie. Min Yoongi. And he stands up for me from bullies. Sometimes I eat lunch with them."

"Ohhh." It made sense. You had seen a few of these instances before. "But why are you telling me this now?"

"Because I'm bringing you over for dinner tonight." She said while getting up with her tray and leaving.

"WHAT?!" You yelled chasing after her.

*magical time skip brought to you by Hobi's sunshine smile and my laziness*

"I don't know about this Wolfie." You were behind her as she walked up to the door to her (and the boy's) house. "I'm nervous."

"What's there to be nervous about? Don't worry I won't embarrass you about your crush alright?" She opened the door before you could say anything. "Guys! I'm home!"

"That's not fair!" You heard a yell. You followed Wolfie to the living room to find Jimin and Jungkook playing a video game. By the looks of it Jimin lost.

"How is it not fair hyung?" Jungkook asked laughing.

"You cheated! I'm your hyung and I was born in Busan first!" Jimin pouted.

"He wasn't cheating Jiminie. He's just better at this game then you are." Taehyung said while watching. Namjoon and Hoseok nodded with him.

"What's with all the yelling?" Jin said while wiping his hands on a pink apron.

"Jimin's upset because he lost a game again." Wolfie said. They all turned to her and said hello to her.

"Hey Wolfie." Jin said while hugging her then he noticed you. "Who's this?"

"I brought a friend for dinner." Gasps were heard and she scowled at everyone. "Oh shut up. I have friends other than you guys."

"Of course you do sweetie." Jin said patting her head. "Can you go wake up your brother please? Dinner is almost ready."

"Why don't one of you do it?"

"Because you're the only one he doesn't get mad at for waking him up." Jimin said. Him and Taehyung shivered from, what you could only assume was, a bad memory of waking Yoongi.

Wolfie rolled her eyes. "Guys this is Y/n. Y/n these are the guys." She said before heading down a hall.

The whole time you stood behind her nervously and not speaking until she disappeared and left you alone. Not only were you nervous because your crush was RIGHT THERE HKJDIHSKSIDHFB... but also because these were the hottest and most popular guys in school.

"Hi Y/n. I'm Seokjin but you can call me Jin." He said while holding out a hand to you.

You shook it and gave a small smile. "H-hi."

"Don't be nervous. We're all friendly here. Right guys?" There was different sounds of agreement. You calmed down after everyone introduced themselves and even laughed at some jokes that were thrown. You were even able to chat with Hoseok without fainting!

"Alright everyone! Dinners ready!" Jin said when he came back to the living room. Everyone went to the dining room but Jin looked around with a frown. "Where's Wolfie and Yoongi? I thought I told her to wake him up."

Jin walked down a hallway and you followed because you wanted to eat with your best friend. Jin stepped into a room and folded his arms. He shook his head and gave a small chuckle. You peeked in to see Wolfie and Yoongi both asleep on a bed.

"Aish. These kids. Come on guys get up. It's time to eat." Jin shook them both. The siblings groaned but still woke up. Soon everyone was laughing and eating at the dining table. You sat next to Wolfie which also happened to be next to Hoseok.

You were fangirling so much on the inside. You stole quick glances at him and noticed he did a few times too. You also noticed Wolfie and Yoongi watching the both of you and sharing little smirks. You didn't know what that was for so you just ignored it.

After dinner everyone gathered in the living room to play games. After a while of playing videos games Wolfie pulled you aside. "Hey Y/n can you come with me for a minute?"

"Sure." You followed her into a bathroom down the hall. "What is-" You cut yourself of with a little scream as you felt a small push on your back. The door slammed and you heard a click. You got up and banged on the door. "Wolfie! What are you doing?"

"Sorry Y/n." She said through the locked door. "I just need you to wait there for a minute."

"Why?" You didn't hear a reply so you sat on the edge of the tub waiting for her to let you out. A few minutes pass and you hear voices.

"Why are we going to the bathro-" The door opened and someone was pushed in. The door was locked again. Your eyes widened when you saw it was Hoseok. His eyes also widened and he turned to bang on the door.

"Yoongi! Let us out! Now!" He yelled.

"Sorry Hoseok we can't do that."

Hoseok looked at you. "What does he mean by 'we'?"

"Wolfie locked me in here." You said.

He groaned. "Come on guys! Let us out!"

"Not until you talk to each other." Wolfie said. Oh. My. God. What is she doing? You were freaking out. Was she really going to make you confess?

"Talk about what?" Hoseok asked.

"You know." Yoongi called back.

Hoseok sighed and turned around. "Well since it's the only way we're gonna get out of here might as well get it out of the way." What? Get what out of the way? You were going to ask until he said something. "I like you Y/n."

"You what?" You were so shocked. Did the Hoseok just say he liked you?

"I've seen you before with Wolfie and you were so pretty. I like how you laugh when you're having fun and I like your personality. I've been too nervous to say anything until now." He turned to the door. "Okay guys you can let us out now."

"You're not done yet." Wolfie said.

"What do you mean?"

"Y/n. It's your turn."

Hoseok looked at you with a raised eyebrow. You took a deep breath and stood up with a shy smile. "I like you too."

"You do?" He asked shocked. You nodded and he hugged you. "Will you be my girlfriend Y/n?"

"I would love to." You smiled and he kissed you. Without you both noticing, the door had been opened. You both pulled apart when everyone else cheered for you.

You gave Wolfie a hug. "Thank you." You said.

She shrugged. "What are friends for?"


You know I think I would actually do this to/for a friend if I knew the person they liked also liked them back. I'm not 100% sure though. I have no friends to try it on. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!

P.s. We're almost at 300 reads

WHAT?! Like how?! Where did you come from?! I know where one of you came from and you know who you are and I love you! I love all of you! I feel like I should do something when we hit 300 but I don't know what. Face reveal? More about lil 'ol me? I'm not sure. I've never had people besides family read my stories so I want to do something for you. Thank you so so sooooo much for reading! Have a fantastic day/night! I love you!

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