Jungkook - The Bad Girl and the Shy Boy

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(a/n the whole time I'm writing this I'm imagining him with glasses. You know those cute round ones? Those. You can too if you want or not it's up to you :) )

He watched you from a distance laughing with your friends. He remembers when he used to be called that. That was a year ago now. He still doesn't know why you suddenly stopped hanging out with him. You were neighbors and had been friends since childhood. Then when you both went into high school that all changed.

He has a few friends, six of them to be exact, but he's never made any more. You were the one who introduced him to them because he was too shy to speak to anyone. He's the boy who quietly sits in a corner hoping the teacher won't call his name. You were the girl who wouldn't and didn't care about answering if the teacher called your name.

You had a knack for getting into trouble. You were a wild child, a free spirit, and nothing held you back. You always ended up getting into fights no matter if it was a girl or a boy. You were always the one to come out on top though and always sent to the principle.

You didn't pick on people. You never started a fight but you always finished it. You couldn't stand bullies and you never took anyone's crap. He remembers when he used to help you bandage your scratches after each fight. A few of them were because of him. You always stuck up for him. Or at least you used to.

He was still picked on but he hid it from everyone. He hid it from the teachers, from his his friends and, most importantly, from you. He didn't want you to worry about him if you didn't want to be with him.

He wandered the halls for a while after he ate lunch. There was still some time before lunch was over. Sometimes he liked being alone. Sometimes he didn't. This time was one of the latter. He knew they were coming by their footsteps behind him. Suddenly he was shoved into the lockers.

"Hey Jeon. Why're you all by yourself? Your 'friends' don't want to hang out with you?" His bully asked. Two more guys behind him snickered. Jungkook kept quiet because he knew that either way he was going to get hit. He was right. He got a backhand to the face and a punch to the gut. He fell to his knees gasping. He tasted blood on his lip. His bullies laughed.

"Jungkook?" He kept his eyes on the ground below him. He knew that voice and he wished it would go away. He didn't want you to see this.

"Oh hey Y/n!" One of the guys said. "Wanna join in on the fun?"

He heard footsteps and risked a quick glance. You were standing near the guys, looking at him, with a seemingly emotionless face. "What did you do to him?" You asked.

The guys laughed as they told you what just happened. Jungkook looked up just in time to see you backhand the leader. Then you kicked him in the chest sending him crashing down. The guys friends tried to retaliate but you made quick work of them. Kicking one where the sun don't shine and slamming the others head into the lockers.

You leaned over the leader stepping onto his hand making him wince. "Touch him again and I'll break you." You pressed your foot into his hand harder making your point. Jungkook was in stunned silence as he watched everything that happened. He stayed quiet as you gently took his hand and led him to an empty class room.

You sat him on a desk as you grabbed the first aid kit. You stood next to him as you grabbed things from the box. He stopped you when you tried putting ointment on his lip. "What are you doing?" He finally asked.

"You have a cut right there." You pointed and he felt it.

"Oh." Was all he said as you carefully put on the medicine. After you put everything away you stood in front of him with crossed arms. "What?" He asked. He could feel himself squirming under your gaze. It gave him butterflies.

"How long have they been doing that?" You asked.

He looked down at his hand that were in his lap. "Y/n you don't have to-"

"How long Jungkook?" You interrupted.

He sighed knowing you wouldn't let up. "Around the start of the year." He mumbled.

"Dammit." You cursed under your breath. Your emotions got the better of you and you angrily kicked a chair sending it flying. "Dammit!"

He was unfazed by your fit but he wondered why you were so upset. He was about to ask until you suddenly hugged him. "I'm sorry Kookie." You mumbled into his neck. Your breath tickled his neck and he felt his face heat up. Then he felt something wet.

He pulled you away to see a few tears on your face. This was rare for you to cry. It made him sad and forget his blush. He pulled you in for another hug. "It's okay Y/n. It's not your fault."

You pulled away again and wiped your eyes looking angry again. "It is my fault. I should have known this was happening. I should have stayed by your side."

"I didn't want you to know."

"Well now I do and I'm going to make sure it never happens again. And if something does you tell me right away you understand?" He nodded. "Don't worry. I'll protect you Kookie."

Suddenly you kissed his cheek. It was quick and over in a second but he felt like it was burned into his skin. He sat there blushing and dazed for a moment until you called him from the door. "Come on Kook. Our classes start soon." He rushed to your side and walked with you to your next class. He also walked with you to your other classes as well. It helps that you both have all of the same classes.

That night you both hung out at his house like you used to before. You laughed together and played games like if no time had passed. There was something he wanted to ask but he was too nervous to. After a while he finally got the courage to.

"Hey Y/n?" He said. You hummed in response. "Why did you stop hanging out with me? Did I do something?"

You shook your head as you stared at your fingers. "No. It was my fault. I thought that you would get picked on more for being 'the bad girl's friend' than you would if you were with your other friends."

He was relieved. All this time he thought that you didn't like him anymore. But now he sees that isn't true. You were still protecting him the whole time. He gave you a quick hug and smiled at you.

"It never bothered me being your friend Y/n. You're my closest friend. It hurts me more to not be your friend than getting hit by those guys."

"I won't let it happen again. I promise."

"I know. Hey you wanna stay the night?" You smiled and nodded. He got you some clothes to wear and he changed in his room while you went to the bathroom. You came out in the plain white shirt and grey sweats he gave you. He turned off the light to hide his blush. He always liked seeing you in his clothes. They looked so big on you and it made him want to protect you even though he knew very well that you could take care of yourself.

He climbed into bed with you right behind him. He laid on his back and you curled into his side with your head on his chest. This was how you both normally slept when you would spend the night together. He knew it probably meant nothing to you but it meant everything to him. It allowed him to imagine what it would be like if you were together. He knew that would never happen so he was fine just dreaming about it. He had a small smile on his face as he fell asleep.

The next day at lunch you sat with him and his friends. When there weren't any teachers in the room you stood on a nearby table and yelled to get everyone's attention. "Hey! Everyone listen up!"

"Oh no." Jungkook mumbled. He had a feeling he wouldn't like what you said.

"If anyone, and I mean anyone, touches Jeon Jungkook you'll have to deal with me! You got it? If you don't ask that weasel over there!" You pointed and everyone looked over to see the guys from the day before with fresh bruises.

You hopped down and sat beside him again, high fiving the guys that sat with you and a few people who came up to the table. Jungkook felt uncomfortable with all of the attention and he lightly nudged you.

"Why'd you do that?" He mumbled.

"I had to stake my claim." You said simply.

"You can't just go and say stuff like that! People are gonna get the wrong idea and think we're together." He didn't particularly hate the idea but it wouldn't be real. He very much wanted it to be though.

"But we are."

He choked on air. "W-we are?"

You gave him a 'duh' look. "Didn't you get the message when I kissed your cheek?" He shook his head. You rolled your eyes. "I swear you're so smart but so dumb. Maybe this will help." You grabbed him by the collar and pressed your lips to his. His eyes widened but closed almost instantly.

You lightly nipped his lower lip before pulling away with a smirk and a wink. He was dazed to say the least. He forgot where you both were until he heard hoots and whistles all around him especially at his table. He had a shy smile on his face as he blushed for what he felt like was the millionth time.


I just said I was out of ideas and then I get two more. Seriously brain stob it! You're making me look bad! You're making me sound like a liar! Anyways! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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