Taehyung - Pretty Please

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This is 3 of 3 requests by my lovely dongsaeng Angel_Gyeom, thank you for requesting!

This is inspired by Pretty Please by Jackson Wang and Galantis

I took some heavy inspiration from the video for this, I mean how could I not? It's a really amazing video and I loved it. It's so pretty and I like the way things moved, if that makes sense.


Taehyung sits in the restaurant with his friends, everyone is happily chatting and eating food, but his focus is elsewhere. His dark eyes follow the movements of the pretty woman as she walks across the street towards the restaurant, phone held up to her ear, an angry expression on her face. She strides into the establishment and plops herself down into a booth, one right across from him, not bothering to wait for an employee to seat her. Why should she? Her father owns the place.

"I saw you with her, you idiot. You think I'm blind?" She angrily talks to the person on the other end of the phone, slouching back into the seat. Taehyung quirks a brow at this. She gives a dry laugh to whatever comment was made. "I'm not stupid, Adam. I knew you were seeing her behind my back. People have seen you with her. I just wanted to see if you would be dumb enough to get caught by me, and guess what? You did. All your stuff is already by the dumpsters. Good luck getting it before the vultures swoop in." With that she hangs up and let's her phone clatter on the table top.

Well, looks like Ms. Y/n is now a free woman. Although that's never stopped Taehyung from chasing after her. As long as he's known her he's been asking her out and as long as he's known her she's been turning him down. Any sane person would probably give up after a while having decided to take 'no' as an answer, but he just can't let her go. He just can't help himself. Something about her is like a drug to him, from her eyes to just the way she moves, everything she does is addicting and he wants more. Always more. He can never get enough of her.

He feels fingers intertwine with his and looks over to see Jimin looking at him with fake love eyes. Taehyung shoves his hand away in slight annoyance as Jimin bursts into amused giggles. Jimin loves to tease him about his feelings for the pretty h/c haired girl. The other guys also chuckle a bit but know better than to tease him too much.

Taehyung turns his focus back to her and watched as she drinks some soju, just a bit to ease her nerves and loosen herself up so she doesn't stress too much about the loser she just dumped. After a little while she gets up and leaves the establishment, leaving her payment and a healthy tip for her waitress. Taehyung tosses a bit of money at Jimin to pay for his meal before following her out into the dampened streets.

He follows behind her by a few paces as she stomps her way down the wet sidewalk. After a few blocks he hears her sigh. "Why are you following me, Taehyung?" She calls out without looking back.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just so happen to be going the same way you are."

"Uh-huh. And I'm walking home to my great love life." Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

He frowned a bit at that. The guy she was dating was a tool and he wished she left him sooner. But she actually cared about the bug and he could tell his infidelity hurt her. "I heard your phone call. I'm sorry about what he did."

She stopped in her tracks, making him stop as well. She turned to him with a small frown. "Don't be. He was a wishy-washy asshole and I should have seen it coming." Her gaze dropped to the ground. He hated this. He hated seeing her down in the dumps because of a loser.

"Why don't you let me take you out?" He offered.

She sighed in exasperation. "Taehyung-" She started to deny him again before he cut her off.

"When will you let me in and actually give me a chance to treat you right? You date these asshats who take your heart and toss it away like it's trash. You say yes to all of them and no to me. Why? Are you afraid I'll be like all the others and leave you alone again? Or are you afraid that I'll actually be different and show you how amazingly you should be treated?"

She stared at him for a long minute. Whether it's trying to find any deception in his words or trying to decide if she should take the chance, he didn't know. But finally she seemed to make her decision. "I don't know if it's the soju talking or something else... But fine." She relented.

He beamed and she couldn't help her smile when she saw his own boxy shaped one. He walked up to her and took her hand, slowly to give her time to take it away, and when she didn't he gave it a gentle squeeze. "Let's go."



And done! A bit short but I like how I ended it :) I hope you liked your requests dongsaeng and I'm so sorry it took so long to finish them!

I haven't forgotten about the last two requests so don't worry! It's just taking a bit to think of something. Writer's block is a bitch -_-

Also I just want to warn that after I finish requests I'm gonna be doing some heavy editing to this book. That just means I'm gonna go through and delete some things like the "Wolfie" chapters which are just silly author note things and I'm going to edit the introduction chapter because nothing in it is relevant anymore because so much has changed since I wrote it 😅 but I know some people enjoyed it so depending on if anyone cares that I keep it, I'll leave it but have an updated version before it. And I'm also going to update my request page. I think I'll also delete the two "Vampire AU" chapters because I never continued my idea for that and I just don't like it anymore.

I'm also thinking about adding a picture to the top of the chapters so they're not so blank. Maybe. I haven't decided on that yet. But if you end up having a lot of notifications about this book (I'm not sure how it works after it's been published) then that's the reason why.

Other than that I hope you enjoyed reading! Happy Holidays and happy New Year! Hope you have a good day/night!

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