Jin - Cinderella Part 1

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"Y/n! Have you finished that paper work yet?" Your boss yells at you.

"Yes I have Mrs. Choi." You stand in front of her desk in her office holding a stack of papers three inches thick.

"Hand them over." She snaps. You carefully sit them in front of her and quickly step back lest she scratch you with her shiny red nails. She skims over the papers and sighs. "I guess this will have to do for now. Next time work harder."

You bite your tongue as your anger threatens to rise. 'Work harder'? You spent almost all night and only got two hours of sleep for the work she gave you. You just nodded and left, going back to your cubicle to scream internally. You do that with double the fervor when you hear your two coworkers talking.

It was stupid gossip really about the people in high business society. Who was dating who and who was a player. This time they were talking about the Kim's. Or rather the son Kim Seokjin. Easily the most handsome CEO in the making.

The Kim's are the biggest, richest and most well known family in any business. Name any sort of business, whether it be clothes, stocks, trade, they have a finger in it. Not only are they a part of everything but they are very good at it. The Kim's built their entire empire with intelligence and cunning and their son is no less talented.

He's every girls dream guy. Too bad he hasn't been able to settle down with any of them. It wasn't that he was a playboy. The opposite actually. He didn't want to sleep around. He had a few girlfriends but none of them clicked with him.

His parents wanted to help him find love so they throw a party every year so that he could meet new people. So far every year has been a bust. Or at least that's what you've heard from your coworkers. It seems like all they ever talk about is Kim Seokjin. Don't they have work to do? Oh wait. No they don't because you have all of it.

It's no big secret that Mrs. Choi favors her daughters over you. She only has them here to keep an eye on them and to pamper them whenever. Mrs. Choi and her daughters have even flat out told you that they don't like you. They give you mountains of work and expect it done within a day.

Anyone in their right mind would quit on the spot. Apparently you aren't. You can't quit really. You need this job if you want to keep eating and living in your small apartment. So you suck it up and grow a thick skin. You take whatever they give you and put in 100%.

The girls were talking about the party. It was going to be a masquerade this year. Everyone from the Kim's companies were invited to their giant mansion that they only used for such occasions. Everyone but you. Well you were technically invited along with everyone else but Mrs. Choi and her daughters have repeatedly told you that you wouldn't be going. They even gave you extra work on top of extra work just to make sure you'll stay.

The Choi women leave the office around seven to get dressed for the party. They all gave you dirty looks and you just ignored it like always. You sat at your desk for about an hour and a half working non stop. You sighed and pushed away from your desk. You really wished you could to go that party. You sighed again. Deciding to take a break you get up to get a cup of coffee. You're going to need it for the work load.

That's when you noticed something strange. A girl with long black hair was scowling at a photo of the Choi's. She looked relatively normal in blue rimmed glasses, black long sleeve shirt, ripped jeans and black steel toed boots. All normal except for the baby blue cape that hung around her shoulders and the thin white stick she held in her hand. She looked like a young, modern-ish version of a fairy godmother.

You thought you were seeing things for a moment and rubbed your eyes. No one was supposed to be here at this hour but you. When you opened your eyes again she was still there. Buglar? you thought. No. You didn't get that vibe from her. Even if she was glaring at the 2D version of the Choi's she radiated a feeling of comfort.

Despite that you still wondered why (and how) she was here. "Excuse me? Can I help you?" You said.

She squeaked, startled, and fumbled with the photo frame for a moment. She caught it and set it down quickly, smiling at you. "Hm? What did you say?"

"I said can I help you?" You repeated.

"No I'm fine. But! I can help you."

"What? What do you mean?"

"You want to go to that party don't you? I can help with that."

"How? Wait I should be asking how you even got up here. The doors are all locked."

"Psh." She waved a hand. "Locks, shmocks. Anything can be opened with a tap of the ol' wand." She wiggled the stick- wand then pursed her lips for a second. "Or a bobby pin."

"What?" You were more confused than ever. Wand? Did she say wand? Does she really think that exists?

She shrugged. "Enough of that. Let's get you dressed shall we?"

"Wait. Who are you?"

"Oh!" She smacked her forehead. "I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. Hello! I'm Wolfie and I'm your Fairy Godmother." She smiled brightly at you. You returned her smile with a skeptical look.

"Fairy Godmother?" She nods. "How? First off I'm certain I'm older than you you so if anything you'd be a Fairy Dongsaeng. And second fairies don't exist."

"They do to exist. How else would I be standing in front of you? And as for the age, I just have one of those faces I guess. When I was 13 I was told I looked 18 and when I was 17 I was told I looked 14. It was really weird." She mumbled the last bit like she was talking to herself before shaking her head and smiling again. "Anyways let's go get you ready! Time's a-wastin!"

"Wait! What about my work?"

"Don't worry! I've got everything covered. It'll be all done and up to your standards. Trust me." You nodded after a moment. You gave up trying to make sense of everything so you just decided to go with it. "Alright ready to get dressed?"

You shrugged. "I guess?"

"Perfect!" She raised her wand and gave it a small wave. The tip glowed a soft blue. The light trailed from the tip of the wand to swirl around you, completely covering and blinding you for a moment. After you could see again you gasped.

You were now wearing a sparkling light pink dress. It had layers and layers of sheer lace that fluttered in the slightest breeze. It hugged your chest and waist just right making everything look perfect.

On your feet were crystal slippers the same color as your dress. In hindsight the shoes should have been utterly difficult to wear but the weren't. They were comfortable and fit perfectly, making a satisfying 'clink' sound when you took a step.

You went to a nearby mirror and gasped again at your reflection. You had a sparkling mask that matched your dress and your hair was lightly curled and laid over one shoulder. A shining necklace sat on your neck with matching earrings.

"Oh my god." You whispered. "I don't even recognize myself."

"It's perfect right?" Wolfie asked from behind you. "Now the evil wenches won't be able to tell it's you." You turned to her with wide eyes. You were a bit overwhelmed. You believed now she was what she said she was. A fairy. A real life fairy right in front of you. And she was here for you.

Suddenly you went to her and hugged her. She stiffened in your grip for a moment. "Thank you." You said. She relaxed slightly and smiled.

"No problem. Now let's go. Your carriage awaits." She stepped out of your embrace and led you outside. You saw a sleek black car waiting outside. A man got out of the drivers side and stood in front of you both.

He took your hand, placing a kiss on it as he bent forward. "Hello beautiful." He said. "I'll be your driver tonight." When he straightened he bit his lower lip for a second as he looked at you again. "Man I wish I was going on a date with you."

You raised your eyebrows in surprised amusement as Wolfie narrowed her eyes at him. "You need to bibbity bobbity back the fuck up pretty boy." She said.

"And why should I?"

"Because she's already taken."

"By who?"

"By me." She put an arm around your shoulder and winked.

He rolled his eyes. "I know you're lying. Not because she's a girl but because fairies can't date the people they're helping."

"Doesn't change the fact she's taken."

"By who?" You ask finally.

She smiled at you. "You'll find out. Come on! Your fairytail awaits!" The man opened the door and she motioned for you to get in first. She followed you soon after and the man closed the door behind her and made his way to the front seat, putting it into drive.

After a moment you turned to Wolfie with a questioning look. "So who is he?" You asked her.

"Oh right! Sorry. Y/n this is Jimin. He's also a fairy. Well more of a pixie because he's so short."

"I can hear you you know." He said from the front.

"I know. That's why I said it."

"You shouldn't be saying anything. You're shorter than me." She stuck her tongue out at him and they both laughed.

You smiled and listened to their banter as Jimin navigated the streets. It only felt like minutes by the time Jimin said, "Ah. We're here." The car stopped and Jimin got out, opening your door after a moment.

You stepped out of the car and looked up at the giant mansion. If you didn't know any better you would have thought it was a castle. People flowed into the doors and across the grounds wearing gowns and tuxes and masks. Everybody looked so glamorous. You started to feel a bit out of place but the thought of your Fairy Godmother being there with you made you feel better.

"Alright Y/n. We'll be off now. Have fun!" Wolfie said.

You turned to her with slightly wide eyes. "What? You're not coming with me?"

"Oh god no." Her face scrunched up for a moment in displeasure. "I'm not really one for parties and big crowds. Too much noise. Too much to focus on. I prefer a good book or a fun video game." She saw your hesitation and smiled and patted your shoulder. "Don't worry Y/n. You'll be fine. Tonight is your night. Nothing and no one can stop you. Not even those evil bitches you work with."

You laughed a little at that and you instantly felt better. "Thank you Wolfie."

"No problem." She gave you another quick smile before getting back into the car with Jimin. You turned and took a few steps until she called you again. "Y/n!" The top half of her body was hanging out of the window. "I almost forgot! You have to leave before midnight."

"Why? Is that when the magic wears off?"

"No that stays. But that is when the evil wenches will go back to the office building to check on you. As I said before your work will be done but you'll have to change before they show up okay?"

"Okay but how am I supposed to get back?"

"Jimin will be waiting for you. Okay have fun now! Bye!" She waved to you as the car drove off. You watched them leave before turning back to the mansion. You took a deep breath to steel your nerves and joined the crowd flowing into the mansion.

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