Yoongi - Hold On

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This is part 2 of InnocentAngel_15's request I Don't Want To See You With Her lightly inspired by Hold On by Chord Overstreet. I'm thinking about writing another one fully inspired by the song. This was requested by kayla_cruz2019, yanagirenjiidealtype, LoveBangtan_Girl and Loxgirl2004. Thank you for requesting!

Yoongi's pov

I sat on my couch rereading her letter for the hundredth time. I heard she had moved a few months ago and I received this letter a few days ago. I guess we did find out together what she decided to do.

I had no idea she felt like this. I didn't know she loved me enough to let me go like that. I feel like such an idiot. I know what happened to us and I hate it. It was me. I was feeling insecure about me, her, us, just everything. For some reason I didn't think she loved me anymore. I knew she had but I thought she didn't anymore.

I don't know why I ever thought that.

When I broke it off and she didn't try to fight it I thought all of my suspicions were correct. That's why I never tried talking to her again. If she didn't love me anymore I didn't want to bother her. I should have met with her at least once. I might have seen that I was wrong.

I sighed and leaned back on the couch closing my eyes. "Are you okay Yoongi?" I hear someone say. I peek open an eye and see Mina looking at me with concern.

I closed my eye and sighed again. "Not really."

"You reading the letter again?"


"Are you going to go after her?"

"I don't know."

She was quiet for a moment. "Well I think you should." I opened my eyes and moved my head to look at her questioningly. "I mean you can't keep up this ruse forever."

"What ruse?"

"This. Us. Everyone thinks we're together including her when that's not the case. I agreed to pretend for a while and let you crash on my couch but this has gone on for too long."

Well that is true. Mina is a close friend of mine and I convinced her to help me make everyone think I was over her. Only me and Mina know I'm not. I don't think I ever will be.

She sighs and looks at me. "I only know you and I don't know her that well aside from what you've told me but I can tell what you two had was something special. Something worth fighting for." Then she gives me a playful smile. "Now get your lazy ass off of my couch and go get your girl."

I laughed but did what she said. I got properly dressed from sweats I sleep in to jeans and a nice looking shirt. As I drove to her house (which I acquired her address from mutual friends) I tap my fingers restlessly on the wheel. Was I excited to see her again? Yes. Was I nervous? Hell yes. I mean who wouldn't? I broke her heart when I didn't mean to. She may still love me but that doesn't mean she wouldn't be mad at me.

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of her door. With a slightly shaking hand I knocked and anxiously waited. When she opened the door she had her famous smile and it lit up my world for a moment until it faded and a look of shock and surprise replaced it.

"Y-Yoongi?" I really missed her voice.

"Yeah. It's me."

"What... What are you doing here? How did you even find me?" She folded her arms and tried to hide her nervousness but I could tell she was. At least I'm not alone in that.

"Hoseok told me where you moved to when I told him I had something important to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

I took a deep breath to calm myself. "Well for starters I'm sorry for how I ended things. It was out of nowhere and I wasn't really thinking. If I had just talked with you we wouldn't be here. I wouldn't have hurt you and I wouldn't be terrified that you'll never forgive me."

"Yoongi I-"

"No please let me get this out." She nodded and waited for me to continue. "Before we split I was becoming stressed and a bit paranoid from working so much. I was tired and frustrated and I took it out on you. I put all of my negativity with you and I thought you didn't love me anymore. So I thought that if you didn't want me anymore then why hold on? So I let go. It hurt so much. I never expected it to hurt like it did and still does. I moved in with an old friend and she helped me convince people that I moved on. I thought it would help me move on if I pretended I did but after a few weeks and the pain was still there I knew I never would. Y/n. I still love you, I still need you and I still want you. I always will. And I came here hoping that we could get back together. That is if you still want me."

At some point during my speech I had looked away from her and looked at our shoes instead. I was afraid that I would see rejection in her eyes and hear it from her lips. But instead I heard a small sniffle and looked up. She had tears in her eyes and I slightly panicked. I didn't mean to make her cry! But why was she crying?

"Shit. I'm sorry Y/n. I knew this was a bad idea. Maybe I should-" I was about to turn away before she stopped me.

"You idiot." I looked at her confused and saw a small smile on her face. Then she did something I didn't expect her to do. She kissed me. Soft, sweet, gentle and everything I had missed. She cupped my face in her hands when she pulled away and smiled at me again. "Of course I still want you. You think I would have sent that letter if I hadn't? You think I would have let you talk if I hadn't? Yoongi I love you. I have always wanted and needed you. I just thought you didn't want or need me anymore. I guess I was wrong."

"We both were. Me more than you. I'm so sorry Y/n."

"Shh. It's okay now. I love you Yoongi."

"I love you too Y/n. So much." I smiled at her before I leaned in and kissed her again. I was an idiot for ever thinking that she didn't love me. I can see it in her eyes and I can feel it in her touch. I will never doubt her again and I'll do everything I can to show her I love her.


Holy fuck this has taken me so long to write. I don't know why it was a bit difficult but I did it! Finally! I'm actually glad that four people (five including the original requester and six including me OwO) asked for a part 2 because my heart couldn't take the not so happy ending in the last one TwT
I also have a Halloween chapter that I started but it'll be super late if I ever even finish it -_- I had an idea and then it didn't work and know idk what to do with it.
Anyways thank you for reading everybody and I hope you enjoyed! I love you all!

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