Namjoon - Moonchild

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Namjoon's pov

What can I say about my life? It's not really that great. It's not too terrible either. I have friends and my grades are good in school and I'm also a bit popular. I guess you could say my life is pretty great. Except my family isn't.

My parents fight all of the time. They fight about money and one accuses the other of cheating. They also ignore me. They act like I'm not even there. Sometimes I feel like a ghost in my own home.

No one at school knows about this. Not even my friends. As far as anyone is concerned my family is perfect. It's hard sometimes keeping it to myself. I feel like I'm drowning in the stress from school and home.

One night I was in my room in the dark. The only light was from the moonlight coming through my window. My parents were fighting again. I could hear their muffled voices through my door.

I put on my headphones and sat by the window trying to pretend I was anywhere else but here. My house is across the street from a park and from where I'm at I can see the whole thing. Well it's not that hard to see it all since it's not that big in the first place.

I was just sitting there next to the window and listening to music. It was almost working. I could almost pretend I wasn't at home. That was until I heard glass breaking and that meant mom was throwing dishes again. Sometimes I'm surprised we don't go broke from buying new dishes.

I turned the music up a bit louder and looked harder outside. I was focusing so much on the park I almost missed the person sprinting up the street to the park. I couldn't see much of the person since I was so far away but I could tell it was a girl.

She looked around before going into the park. Almost like she was making sure no one followed her. I was curious about this so I decided to follow her. I put on some clothes and threw on my shoes. I didn't bother trying to sneak past my parents. They were too busy yelling at each other.

When I made it outside I quickly jogged into the park and looked around. I don't know why I'm doing this really. There's just something about her that attracts me. I was beginning to think she wasn't actually here when I heard humming.

I followed it and it was her. When I found her she was dancing ballet. It didn't look like any particular dance. Just what she felt like doing. The melody she hummed and the way she danced seemed a bit sad but hopeful, hurting yet happy. She had a small smile and a few tears on her face.

It felt like I was intruding on a private moment so I just stayed hidden and watched. She left after an hour and I returned home. She came back the next couple of nights and I followed her again.

Around this time there was buzz around the school of a new student. I was a bit curious and wondered who it could be. I should have guessed before I saw her that it would be the girl from the park.

But she seemed different here during the day. She looked empty and withdrawn. A complete opposite of how she was at night. Whispers erupted behind her as she walked down the hallway.

"That's the new girl. Lee Y/n."

"My mom said this was the fifth time her and her dad have moved."

"I heard that her dad gets drunk and hits her."

"A friend of mine said they went to the same school as her and she was bullied. My friend said that she didn't have any friends and didn't even bother to try and make any."

I heard these things repeated throughout the day. I found out that she was in a few of my classes so I watched her. She didn't talk or look at anybody and kept to herself. I wondered if what everyone was saying was true. The part of her not wanting friends was true enough. She left as soon as school was over.

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