Jungkook - The Girl in the Sky

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When Jungkook was young his mother told him stories of a girl who lived in the sky. Some nights she would make a shooting star. If you wished on that star it would come true every time. Jungkook wished once to meet the girl but it never came true. He didn't understand. His wishes always came true before. Why wouldn't this one?

Maybe the girl just didn't want to meet him. He became sad. He didn't really know why he was sad. All he knew was he really wanted to see her. Just once. One time and he would be happy.

As he grew he slowly forgot about the girl in the sky but he never forgot to make a wish if he saw a shooting star. His wish would always come true. Even when he wished to become an idol it happened. After that he never really made another wish. He already had everything else. What more could he wish for?

One night Jungkook and his hyungs were walking around the city at night just having fun being together. Suddenly Taehyung shouted and pointed at the sky.

"Look! A shooting star! Make a wish everyone!" Taehyung closed his eyes and clasped his hands together like a kid. Everyone made a wish except Jungkook.

"Did you make a wish Kookie?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook shook his head.

"Why not? Do you not believe it'll come true?" Hoseok asked.

"No. I know it will come true. It always does. I just don't know what to wish for. I already have everything. A good job, great hyungs. What more could I want?"

"You could wish for love." Jin said.

"Aw that's a good one! I should have done that!" Jimin pouted. Everyone laughed as they made their way back to the dorms. None of them were tired yet even though it was late so they stayed up telling stories. It was Tae's turn now.

"This is the story of a girl who lives in the sky." He started.

"We already know this story tell another one." Yoongi said.

"No just wait. This is a good one."

"Go ahead and continue Tae." Namjoon said.

"Okay. Like I was saying, the girl in the sky was born from a star just like her many brothers and sisters. They each take a turn making a shooting star. They do this because they are lonely. Even though they all have each other they don't feel complete. What's missing is love. Because they don't want anyone to feel as lonely as they do they grant wishes and spread happiness. Sometimes something special happens. Someone will make a special type of wish and one of the brothers or sisters will fall to earth free to live and love as a human."

"Where did you hear that?" Jungkook asked.

"I found a book once that told the whole story. Pretty good right?"

"But that's kinda sad. They're waiting up there all alone until someone makes the right wish?" Jimin said.

Tae nodded. "I know. It's really sad. If I could I would wish for them all to be happy."

A few more stories were told before everyone started to go to bed. Everyone but Jungkook. He couldn't get Tae's story out of his head. He remembered hearing about the girl when he was a kid and he remembered wishing to see her. Maybe that was the wrong wish.

Every night after that he would watch the sky trying to catch a shooting star. It took a week but he finally saw one. He was walking in the park alone at night. He was the only one at the park at this time. He looked up and watched the sky when he saw one.

But he didn't know what the right wish was. He really did want to meet her. He wanted her to be happy and he wanted to be happy with her. "I wish you were here with me."

He made a wish without really thinking but it was from the heart. He thought nothing was going to happen again until a small light appeared in the sky. It looked like a shooting star but it was heading right towards the park.

The light grew bigger and crashed into the ground. Jungkook covered his face from the flying dirt. When he looked back there was a small crater and laying in the middle was a girl. You sat up and looked around with an amazed expression. Then you saw him and smiled.

"You're the girl in the sky." Jungkook said. He mentally kicked himself for stating the obvious but then she smiled bigger.

"Not anymore now. You finally wished for me." Your voice was so perfect to him. Everything about you was perfect to him. When he looked at you, you seemed familiar.

"I've never seen you before but why do you seem so familiar?"

"You've always seen me. I've just been far away." You held out a hand to him. "Take my hand. I'll show you."

He slowly stepped forward into the small crater. He kneeled in front of you and took your hand. He saw flashes of you in the sky watching the earth and him. He saw how long you'd been waiting for him and he realized he'd been waiting for you too.

"I'm sorry I took so long wishing for you." You smiled and cupped his face in your hands.

"It's okay. I'm here now and that's all that matters. My name is Y/n by the way." He smiled back at you and thanked the stars for making his wish come true again.


Why does it feel like that was slightly rushed crap? I mean it's kinda cute but I feel like I could have done better with the ending... how do you think it was?

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