Yoongi - The Wrong Twin

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This is inspired by another story I was reading. BTS REACTIONS/WWYD 2 by agustblooms and it's only fair that I give proper credit for inspiration and tag them no? (if agustblooms happens to read this I hope you don't mind. I couldn't help myself it was a good wwyd and I was inspired.)

Also xsheriarty asked in the comments for someone to make a fanfic out of it so it's also a kind of request so here it is!

You sat in your apartment, that you shared with your sister, trying to drown out the noises coming from her room. She had a 'visitor' today. You wondered if you should visit Yoongi today. He was in a mini coma in the hospital. He had gotten really sick and was medically put under so he could heal. You didn't know when he would wake up. You wish he would but also you kind of wish he didn't.

I know that sounds terrible doesn't it? It was only because you wanted to spend more time with him even if he was asleep. He's actually your sisters boyfriend. You wanted to be with him but he asked her instead. Which you couldn't really understand why. She was an evil bitch!

The whole three months he's been in a coma she hasn't visited him once. You've visited him almost everyday. You read to him whatever book you were reading at the time and you refresh the bouquet of flowers you brought every week. Your sister hasn't even asked how he was doing. She was always too busy playing around with whatever fuckboi she found recently.

You wished Yoongi had picked you. You wanted to tell him how bad of a person she was but you didn't want to hurt him. You were happy seeing him happy even if it was with someone who didn't care. You thought about telling him about your two timing slut of a sister but you always chickened out.

You sighed as you heard the doorbell ring. "Coming!" You called. You got up and opened the door. You froze once you saw who it was. "Yoongi?" There he was standing right in front of you awake and with his gummy smile.

"I'm all better Mina!" He said before pulling you into a kiss. You were startled until you fell into the kiss a bit. You felt sparks at the contact. Then you realized what he called you and pushed him away with your face on fire.

"Y-you've got the w-wrong twin." You stuttered. He looked at you confused for a moment. "I-I'm not Mina."

His eyes widened. "Y/n? I'm sorry I just assumed-"

"It's fine. I know everyone always thinks of her first when they see us." You looked away.

"No that's not-" He was cut off by Mina's giggling.

Your eyes widened. You almost forgot that Mina was home. Home cheating on her boyfriend! "Uh y-you should go Yoongi." You tried to shut the door but it was too late. Mina came stumbling into veiw with a guy attached to her face.

"Mina?" Yoongi said.

She looked at him and smiled. "Oh Yoongi! You're awake! That's nice." She said this while the guy was still kissing and grabbing wherever.

"You're cheating on me?" Yoongi didn't sound upset. A little mad and shocked but not sad like you would have thought.

"You were in a coma what was I supposed to do? I'm a woman I have needs." God you hated sharing a face with her. You hated hearing those words spoken with your voice.

"It was a medical coma you bitch! He was going to wake up at any time!" You were tired of how she acted.

"Aw too bad Y/n. Now that he's found out he won't come around anymore. You won't get to pine over him from afar because you're too much of a coward to admit you love him." She smirked.

Your face heated up from a mix of anger and embarrassment. You had to get out of there right now. It's a good thing you were already dressed so you quickly grabbed your keys and shoes and slammed the door. In your rush you bumped into Yoongi who had been quiet for a while.

"Sorry." You mumbled as you tried to go past him.

"Y/n wait." He grabbed you by the wrist and turned you to face him again. "You love me?"

Oh shit. Why did Mina have to have such a big mouth? "Well yeah. But I understand you don't feel the sa-" He cut you off with a kiss. You just blinked at him when he pulled away smiling.

"I love you too." He said.

"You what?" Did he think you were still Mina?

"I love you Y/n. I always have but I never thought you felt the same. I only asked Mina out because I figured it was as close as I could get to you."

Unknown to you when Yoongi woke up he found the flowers you had brought and the nurses told him that a pretty girl visited him almost everyday. They told him what the girl looked like and he hoped it was you even though it was probably Mina.

When he kissed you thinking it was Mina he felt sparks in the kiss that he never felt with her. Then when Mina shared how you felt he knew that it was you all along and he was very happy.

"Y-you chose Mina b-because you wanted m-me?" You asked stunned.

He lightly chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. So now that me and Mina are over with will you be my girlfriend?"

You grinned and nodded eagerly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your waist pulling you closer to him. You both leaned in until you were kissing again. You felt the sparks again and you couldn't get enough of it.

He pulled away and took your hand in his still smiling. "You wanna hang out at my place for a while?"

"Yes please. I've been stuck in there with her all morning."

He laughed as he led you to his car. "How about we fix that. Why don't you move in with me?"

"O-okay." You said shyly.

"You're cute when you stutter." You covered your face with your free hand and he just smiled at you.


How was that? Good I hope? I thought it was kinda cute? Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/night and I purple you!

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