Jin - Cinderella Part 3

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The next day you were back at work like nothing changed yet everything had. You were head over heels in love with someone you didn't even know the name of. But you didn't really care about that small detail. You just focused on the fact that you missed him.

Thankfully you made it back to the office and into your work clothes before the Choi's had arrived to check on you. You had to hold back a gasp as you saw what they were wearing. They all wore hideous dresses in varying neon colors. Mrs. Choi was covered in neon purple, Sunhee wore pink and Jisoo had yellow. You were almost blinded at the sight.

They didn't seem to suspect anything last night or today as they treated you the same as they did before. Only difference was they were talking about last nights party. They were fuming over an 'ugly slut in pink' who was dancing with Kim Seokjin most of the night.

You stayed quiet but listened in. You were wearing pink last night. Could it have been you who was dancing with the Kim Seokjin? No way. That couldn't possibly be real. But then again fairies were, so why couldn't this? You continued to argue with yourself when you heard the Choi sisters squeal.

"Oh my god!"

"It's Kim Seokjin!"

Your head snapped up and indeed Kim Seokjin was standing right there in your office space. His parents stood with him and a few personnel. Mrs. Choi sauntered up to them and shook their hands.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Kim! What a pleasant surprise! To what do we owe the pleasure?"

"I came to find the girl I was dancing with last night." Jin said.

"Oh? Is she here?"

"I believe so. See she was wearing my favorite color dress last night. Light pink. I believe one of the ladies in this office was wearing such a dress."

"Yes well my daughter, Sunhee, was wearing a bright pink. Could that have been it?"

"No. I'm certain it wasn't either of your daughters. It was her." Then he pointed at you.

Your eyes went wide as you stood frozen. "That's not possible." Mrs. Choi said. "She didn't attend the party last night. She was busy working."

"How do you know that?"

"Uh well I-" She stuttered and he rolled his eyes and turned away from her. He turned to face you and moved to stand in front of you. You were still frozen in place. Mrs. Choi turned to the Kim's and started talking but you didn't hear what they said. All you could focus on was Jin.

"Were you at the party last night?" He asked you quietly. All you could do was nod. "Did you have a Fairy Godmother who wore black boots?"

You nodded again. "Wolfie."

"Was that her name? I didn't get it last night." He stepped closer to where you were only a few inches apart. "I also didn't get my kiss." His lips turned up into a half smirk and you lightly chuckled.

"I can give you that as well." He leaned forward and you tilted your head up to meet his lips. He had a content smile on his face when he pulled away. Suddenly you heard raised voices. You and Jin looked behind him to see an angry, red faced Mrs. Choi.

"This is outrageous! I have been a loyal employee for years! You can't just fire me and my daughters!" She yelled at Mr. and Mrs. Kim.

"We can, Mrs. Choi, and we are." Mr. Kim said.

"For what reasons?"

This time Mrs. Kim spoke up. "You and your daughters have been falsifying work records. You've given yourselves more work hours and receiving the pay for it when it was really Ms. Lee doing all of the work. She did extraordinary I must add."

"That runt has done nothing! I've done everything here! So have my girls! We've been picking up her slack!"

"Enough Mrs. Choi. You're fired. Gentlemen please escort these ladies out." The three personnel each led one of the Choi's out while Mrs. Choi still complained.

"Oh thank god they fired them." Jin said.

"But how did your parents know what they were doing?" You asked.

"We got a note this morning telling us to check the cameras and it showed Mrs. Choi giving you piles of paperwork while she filed her nails."

"I wonder who sent you the note?"

"I think we both know who." He looked at you with a knowing smile. Of course. It was Wolfie. She was giving you your happy ending like you wanted. "I wish I could thank her." Jin said.

Then your phone chimed. You looked at it and smiled at the message you received. "She knows." You said.

You are welcome! Also I know your man would have helped you with the bitches but it felt so good doing it myself! But, sad to say, this is where I say goodbye. I hope I can meet you guys again in the future and we can be friends then. For now I give you my love and best wishes. Happily ever after!

Your Fairy Godmother, Wolfie

You smiled as you put your phone away. Jin took your hand and smiled down at you. "I'd like you to meet my parents then I was hoping I could take you on a proper date."

You giggled. "I'd love that."

His smile grew as he led you to his parents. They didn't even care that he had only just met you last night, they were just happy that their son was in love and happy. It was just a bonus that you were a good person and a good worker. You were extremely happy that they liked you because you truly loved their son. He was your fairytale.

What more can I say besides,

You lived happily ever after.


Sorry that the third part was shorter than the first two. It was actually supposed to be just two parts but I tend to put a cap of 2000 some odd words. But I really enjoyed writing this even though it took forever. I think I might do more Disney themed ones maybe. Do you have a favorite Disney princess? Mine is Ariel. I LOVE The Little Mermaid! Anyways as always thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! I love you!

Also I found this picture while writing the second part and I think I died laughing XD

Also I found this picture while writing the second part and I think I died laughing XD

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I mean how perfect is it that I see this while writing this imagine XD

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