Taehyung - You Like Me?

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This was requested by InkgridQuiquill thank you for requesting!


Taehyung looked around the photo shoot set, admiring how efficiently people moved about as they knew exactly what they needed to do when they needed to do it. There was prop managers and the costume designers and several makeup artists bustling about making sure everything was going well. He watched from the side lines as a few other idols were getting their makeup done. They were all talanted makeup artists but one especially drew his attention as they worked. His eyes were widened in awe as they worked with their brushes and blushes like a painter working paint on a canvas, getting every curve and color just right for the best effect.

There was something about the way they moved that seemed vaguely familiar. Like how the scent of sugar cookies will send someone back to their childhood with just a whiff, the way this person worked tickled something in his mind, a foggy memory slightly faded with time waiting for the right trigger to come to full clarity. The trigger for this one being the light laughter he heard from them- from her, as she turned her head to smile at the idol who had made a joke. He knew who she was. Y/n L/n. His eyes widened in shock seeing his old friend from back home before he had become an idol and unfortunatly lost contact.

"Y/n?" He called as he walked closer.

She turned with raised brows of curiosity until it was of surprise when she saw his painfully familiar features. "Taehyung?"

"It is you!" He smiled excitedly as he engulfed her in a hug, one she returned with laughter. He pulled away and looked at her, still beaming. "It's been so long! What are you doing here?"

"It's been too long." She agreed before holding up a makeup brush. "And I'm a makeup artist. You might remember it was something I talked about a lot in school." He nodded. He did remember that. She had been obsessed with cosmetic effects and makeup in school, striving to be one of the greats when she was older. He didn't doubt she would make it. She was passionate and very talented if some of the paintings and drawings he watched her do back then were any indication.

"Y/n, Mina's set is almost ready. You need to finish her makeup." Her boss instructed in a rush.

"Right on it." She nodded at him and then turned back to Taehyung with an apologetic smile. "Sorry. We're really busy today as you can see and there's still so many people to get ready, you including too, I'm assuming."

"Ah, you're right." He frowned a bit. "But it's been so long. I didn't realize how much I missed talking to you until now."

She smiled. "I'm sure we'll get another chance to talk. I'll try and find you before you have to go if that makes you feel better?" He was smiley again with a head nod before he was led away by his manager. She smiled after him with a fond look. He's still easy to please after all this time. She sighed and shook her head. She had to get back to work.

It only took a few minutes for her to be done and the idol she was working on was whisked away. That means she can now take her 30 minute break before she needed to start working on the next idol. She stood near the food table, grabbing a little muffin to snack on as she watched the photo shoot take place. She was always fascinated by this life. These people, these idols, always seemed so untouchable even if they were physically in front of her. It stemmed from the fact they were of obvious different social circles. Yes, the idols were just like regular people, but their fame puts them on a tier above the common folk where they don't mingle often.

It's like when you're a teen and you see your crush. It's almost impossible to talk to them or make a move because your adoration for them sometimes puts them on a higher level than you, making a gap that seems hard to bridge. Imagine having your crush be an idol. That type of mental distance is like the highest mountain peak. You'd freeze before you even reached half way. That's actually something Y/n has some experience with unfortunately.

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