Hoseok - Online Friend

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You were very depressed. There wasn't a specific cause to it. It was just multiple things piled together creating a dark monster that clung to you like glue. A constant fog of darkness that infected even the best things that made you happy. A shroud of emptiness that tainted the way you acted and interacted with people and things around you.

No matter where you went you felt alone. It's not abnormal to say you felt alone in a crowd of people. Anyone would. But what hit you the most was even when you were surrounded by family who you knew loved you, you still felt alone.

This feeling of loneliness was crushing and suffocating at times. You didn't understand why you were like this and you wanted with all of your being for it to stop. But it didn't and you were starting to think it never would.

You isolated yourself. You couldn't control these feelings so you thought it best to stay home. You watched tv, read books, played games. Anything to distract you from the thoughts swirling in your head.

One day you were laying on your couch, scrolling through your favorite book app Wattpad, when you came across a fanfiction book. It wasn't really anything specific. Just a collection of one shots that didn't look so special at first glance. But you decided to read it and suddenly a few chapters later you found yourself smiling.

This person who you know nothing of has made you smile a real smile for the first time in a long time. As a small gesture of appreciation you voted on everything and left nice comments about how good everything was. You set your phone down not expecting any replies and took a shower.

When you got out you changed into another set of pajamas, the only thing you have been wearing for a week, and checked your phone. Your eyes slightly widened at the number of notifications from Wattpad. When you checked it was replies to your comments from SunshineBoy. That was the one who wrote everything. He was thanking you for all of the nice things you said.

Your smile grew only bigger after that.

Pretty soon you both were messaging each other everyday. You learned his name was Hoseok, he loved dancing, he had six best friends that he lived with and he has a passion for music. You had a lot of things in common especially the passion for dancing and music. Or at least you did before you became sad.

You didn't tell Hoseok about your depression. You were worried he might get scared away. Of course you knew that was stupid and unlikely to happen but the darkness pushed it into your mind. You kept it to yourself like you had for so long until one day you got a message from him that changed everything.

You know you can talk to me about anything right? I know this is random but I have the feeling that you're in a dark place right now and I want you to know I'm here for you no matter what. I won't leave you I promise.

That message opened up a dam of emotions and for the first time in a long time you let it flow and you told him everything. Like he promised he stayed with you and talked to you about it. He knew the right things to say to make you feel better.

Suddenly you had a life support system after suffocating for years. He was your life support.

A buoy in a raging sea.

A familiar path in a stranger forest.

A companion on the dark road of life.

He is breathing life and light back into your life and you couldn't be more thankful. You know now that you are not alone and that you will get through this. All because of him.

Thank you for everything my Hope.


So this was inspired by some true events. Just little snipets but still. youngscribbler03 is my Hoseok in this story. She is so amazing and I couldn't be more thankful for her. She is so sweet and kind and makes me feel happy in some of my darker moments.

I'm not the type of person to go up to a stranger and strike up a conversation and make friends. My social anxiety and extreme shyness prevent that. It's a bit easier behind a keyboard but it is still a little difficult. She makes it so easy.

I worry if I said something wrong or strange. She eases that fear and assures me I did fine.

I'm not afraid to say that I have found an amazing friend in her. And I'm not ashamed to say she is now one of the lights I look for in the darkness.

She has become a shining diamond of a star in the black silk of space that I drift through.

A new addition to the constellation I search for when I feel alone.

An extra bit of light to find my way out of the dark abyss.

Thank you Shania for being one of those lights for me. And because I know you love pet names I decided that I'll give you one besides Shani.

Thank you for being my Star.

I love you <3

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