Taehyung - Siren's Voice

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This is part two to Taehyung - Siren's Song and requested by hELOawq thank you for requesting and I hope you like this! 🥰 Drew some inspiration from The Little Mermaid for this one 💜💙🖤

Two years. Two years Y/n has been swimming the ocean and the seven seas looking for an answer to her question. Can she be with the one she loves? There's only one person she knows who would be able to answer but finding them is easier said than done. She needs to find a sea witch. Only a handful of them exist and those few tend to stay to themselves unless their services are needed.

She's been searching for so long but now she thinks she's getting close. A small community of Merfolk have said there is a sea witch who lives near them. They say she's nicer than most sea witches and so she should be able to help her. Y/n's been looking for the witches dwelling place for a week now. Her face was twisted into a grimace of annoyance and she was about to give up looking in that area when something caught her eye.

In a small forest of kelp was nestled a small rock formation, big enough for someone to live in. Y/n carefully swam through the plants and found an opening in the rocks. She quietly went up to the opening and peeked around the corner, her eyes widening at what she found. A large living space was carved into the rock. A few pieces of furniture were spread about including a sofa, a bed, a table and two chairs. In the middle of the space was a small pillar, about four feet tall, with a cavity carved out to make it a large bowl.

Y/n was about to swim into the small home to examine things further when a voice from behind startled her. "Who are you?" She jumped and turned around finding a Cecaelia looking at her cautiously. The Cecaelia are the magic users of the underwater world. They are mainly female but there is the occasional male. The one in front of Y/n was a female. Her hair was half green and half teal. The octopus tentacles that coiled around themselves and the ground were an inky black color. She wore a top of the same color that seemed to connect with her tentacles.

"I'm a Siren." Y/n finally said.

"I know. I asked who you are, not what you are."

"My name is Y/n."

"And why did you come here?"

"I need your help. I need you to turn me into a human."


Y/n was starting to get irritated with these endless questions, so she decided to cut right to the chase. "Stop asking me questions and help me." Her eyes flashed pink.

The Cecaelia tutted and shook her head a bit. "Sorry, your little trick doesn't work on me." Y/n eyes widened in slight shock. "And even if it did, you're out of practice. How long has it been since you used your voice?"

Y/n looked away almost sheepish. "Two years."

"Yep." The Cecaelia nodded. "That'll do it." She was quiet as she looked Y/n up and down. "There's only one reason a Siren would stop using their voice." She smiled and gestured Y/n to follow her inside the cavernous home. "So, what's their name?"

"Uh... His name is Taehyung." She said unsure as she followed the green haired witch.

"And I can safely assume this Taehyung is a human?" She sat on the sofa and patted the spot next to her.

Y/n hesitantly sat in the offered spot. "Yes, he is."

"And he's why you want to turn into a human." Y/n nodded and the Cecaelia looked away in thought.

"Can you do it? Can you turn me into a human?"

"I can. But it comes at a price. To get that which will make you human you need to give up that which makes you a Siren. You need to give up your voice."

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