Yoongi - Missing Scare

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Part 4 of Yoongi - Dating Rumor. This was requested by midnightanna. Thank you so much for reading and requesting!

Y/n's pov

It's been a couple of years since me and Yoongi got back together and everything was going great. I couldn't be happier with how life is going. My company is very successful, BTS is still going strong and Yoonji is amazing.

Yoongi is so good with her and he does so much to 'make up for lost time' as he said. Me and Yoongi had gotten married a few months after he proposed and moved in together. But me, him and Yoonji visited the boys so often it was like we had two homes. Yoonji even had her own room in the boys dorm.

Tonight I was going to a company party. It was a fancy affair where owners of businesses and other companies gathered together to mingle and possibly make bigger and better business deals. I didn't really want to go but being the owner of my own music company I was obligated to make an appearance.

I was extremely nervous about it though. Not because of the rich and powerful people I would see, I had met and handled plenty of those. I was nervous because I have to leave Yoonji behind. I would be okay if Yoongi was the one watching her but he was going with me to the party.

Yoonji was going to be babysat by her six uncles. I trusted Jin but he could get carried away when trying to entertain Yoonji especially with the other boys. One time I came home and the whole house was covered in toilet paper. I still have no idea why or how that happened.

I dressed in a plain black dress, minimal makeup and simple hair style. I was never one to put too much into looking perfect. Yoongi came out of the bathroom looking like a god in a black suit. No matter how long we had been together I still felt like that girl who was nervous around her brothers bandmate.

His eyes looked me up and down with a bright smile on his face. "Nice choice with the little black dress. Always sexy." He smirked as he gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

I rolled my eyes but still smiled. "I'm supposed to look professional not sexy Yoongs."

"You look very professional. Sexy professional." He winked.

I chuckled. "Come on. We need to go or we'll be late." We left the room and into the living room. I heard Yoonji giggling and found her having a tickling match with Tae and Jimin. Yoonji looked at me and she gasped. She untangled herself from the two boys and ran to me.

"Mommy! You look so pretty!" She squealed hugging my leg.

I smiled and crouched down to her level. "Thank you baby. You look pretty too."

"What about me?" Yoongi asked with a fake pout.

Yoonji giggled. "You look nice too daddy."

"You're leaving now?" Jin asked as he stood behind Yoonji. Yoongi nodded but I bit my lip nervously as I stood up again. "Don't worry Y/n. Yoonji will be fine with us okay? And I promise there won't be another toilet paper fiasco."

I sighed, still not fully trusting, but relented. "Okay. I trust you. Sort of." I bent down and pecked Yoonji on her cheek as she hugged me and did the same. "Bye baby. You be good for your uncles okay?"

She nodded. "I promise mommy." She gave a hug and kiss to Yoongi and we both left for the party.

Jin's pov

I turned to my niece after the door shut behind Y/n and Yoongi. "So what do you want to do while mom and dad are gone Yoonji?"

Her little face scrunched up as she thought about it. Finally she said, "I want to go somewhere!"

"Hm I don't know Yoonji. I don't know if your mom will like that."

"Please?" She had a bright smile. It reminded me so much of when Y/n was her age and I couldn't say no to her.

I sighed. "Okay I'll ask your mom and if she says no then we stay home okay?" She nodded and I pulled out my phone.

BigBroJin :
Hey Y/n Yoonji wants to go out somewhere. I was thinking me and the boys could take her to a movie. Would that be okay?

LilSisY/n :
Yeah that's fine. Just don't let her eat too much sugar okay?

BigBroJin :
I won't. Love you.

LilSisY/n :
Love you too.

I put my phone back in my pocket and turned to Yoonji. "Your mom said we can go to a movie."

"Yay!" She cheered. Jimin, Tae and Jungkook also cheered. I rounded everybody up and we all got into the van. I drove us to the mall with a theater inside so we could get something to eat after as well. We all wore masks so we could go undisturbed. Even little Yoonji had a mask on. It was so cute.

We picked a new animated movie that was playing and we all sat in the middle row. It went Hobi, Namjoon, me, Yoonji, Tae, Jimin and Jungkook. We were able to have our mask down while in the theatre because it was dark. We all shared popcorn and I let Yoonji have a small bag of candy making her promise not to tell her mother.

The movie was really fun actually. Me and Yoonji were into it and so was everyone else. It was fun watching her laugh at the silly actions on the big screen. When the movie ended we decided to walk around the mall for a bit and pulled our masks back up.

Yoonji held onto my jacket because it was crowded. She pointed at random things and of course me and the guys bought her almost anything she liked even if she said no.

"I'm okay with just looking uncle Jinnie. " She said. She was modest like her mother.

"I know but it makes us happy getting you things." I said.

"And plus we can play with them together." Tae said. "Doesn't that sound fun?" She giggled and nodded. We continued walking until we saw a small crowd around a stall. We stood with everyone to see what was up. Someone was showing a display of some gadget that I could care less for.

I started to walk away with everyone when I realized I felt slack on my jacket. I looked down and I froze my spot. Yoonji wasn't holding my jacket anymore. She was gone.

Yoonji's pov

I held onto uncle Jinnie's jacket as he and my other uncles looked at something. I couldn't see so I looked everywhere else instead. I saw pretty lights in front of a store and was distracted. They were so pretty. My hand loosened for just a second and someone bumped into me making me let go.

I somehow made it to the outside of the group of adults and I looked around for my uncles but I couldn't see them. I started to cry as I searched more. I thought it was a good idea to walk around the adults and look so I did but I still couldn't see them. I walked more and I was going away from the group.

I was lost and scared.

Jin's pov

I panicked. "YOONJI!" I spun around trying to look for her. The other guys gave me a weird look until they realized the situation.

"We need to call Y/n." Namjoon said.

I shook my head. "Not yet. Let's just look for her first before we call Y/n." We spread out and looked in the immediate area but she was no where to be seen. My panic sky rocketed as I realized we really did have to call my sister. She's gonna kill me.

We gathered back together and I pulled out my phone. I called Y/n and put it on speaker.

"Hello?" She said.

"Y/n I'm so sorry but we lost Yoonji in the mall."


"I'm so sorry. We need your help to look for her." There was a bit of silence and I could tell she was pinching the bridge of her nose like she was holding back a headache when in fact she was holding back emotions.

"Seokjin. Please tell me this is some kind of sick joke. Please." Her voice cracked at the end. I didn't reply and she cursed. "You are in so much trouble Kim Seokjin."

I heard her say something before she came back onto the phone. "We're on our way. Alert the security and keep looking for her." She hung up before I could say anything else. I did what she asked and gave my number to the security guards and kept looking.

After a while I heard someone call my name. "Seokjin!" I turned and saw an angry Y/n and a worried Yoongi. "Have you found her yet?" She asked.

"No. I'm looking everywhere and so are the others."

"There are at least two responsible adults in your group! How could you lose her?" She yelled and gripped her hair in frustration. I could see that she was worried sick underneath her anger.

"Y/n babe." Yoongi said taking her hands into his. Her eyes skimmed over everyone and everything and I knew she was panicking. Yoongi made her look at him. "It's going to be okay. We're going to find her."

He made her take a deep breath. She looked helpless as she tried to calm herself. Then my phone chimed. It was a message. "They found her!" I said. We ran to the front area and we saw a security guard standing with a crying Yoonji. She bolted to us when she saw her mom.

"Mommy!" She cried. She jumped into Y/n's arms and Y/n held onto her tightly with tears in her eyes.

"Are you okay baby?" She asked. Yoonji nodded. She looked at the security guard. "Thank you so much."

"No problem ma'am." The guard said and walked away with a smile. Yoongi smiled at his wife and daughter. He smoothed down Yoonji's hair and kissed her forehead, putting an arm around them both.

I hesitantly stepped closer. "I'm so sorry Y/n."

With the hand she wasn't using to hold Yoonji she pulled me into their little group hug. "It's okay oppa. I forgive you. It's so crowded here I don't blame you for losing track."

I smiled at her before looking at Yoonji. "I'm sorry I lost you Yoonji."

She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I-it's okay uncle Jinnie." She gave me a small smile.

"We should tell the guys we found her." Y/n said. I nodded and quickly texted them. They were with us in minutes. They also profusely apologized to Y/n, Yoonji and Yoongi.

"I think it's time we all go home now." Y/n said then she looked at Yoonji. "How does pizza and ice cream sound?"

"Good." Yoonji said. We all agreed and went home. I ordered the food while Y/n and Yoongi changed. The rest of the evening was spent with Yoonji snuggled in between her parents on the couch with me next to Y/n while everyone sat around us and we all ate.


There we go! I hope this is what you had in mind. Thank you for requesting!
Also happy 50 chapters and 600+ reads! It makes me really happy that people are reading this! As always I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading! I purple you!

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