Jin - I Missed You

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Part two to Jin - I Miss You.

It's been three years since you left. When you left you moved into a small apartment and got a job at a nearby fancy restaurant. It was your dream to become a chef. You put your dream on hold to help Jin with his dream. You didn't regret that though.

You were glad you helped him because he's actually living his dream and now so are you. You started at the very bottom in the restaurant and worked your way up. You went from busing tables and washing dishes to going to culinary school and learning from the chefs where you worked. You never got distracted anymore.

You are pretty well known now. You took your memories of cooking with Jin and used it when cooking. You always thought food made with love tastes better so you used your love for Jin all the time. You became head chef when the old one retired.

You were happy with who you are now. A lot had changed in a short time except one thing. You missed him. You never even thought about dating someone else. Jin would always be number one in your heart. It seemed like it was the same for him.

Because of how much you missed him you started watching interviews and videos of him and his bandmates. It made you feel like you were still close to him. You also couldn't help but listen for news on how they were and you were happy to hear that they were very successful.

You couldn't pay much attention to them though because you were busy with your own success. Being a head chef in a well known restaurant wasn't easy after all. Sometimes you wondered if you would ever see Jin again. And if so when.

Unknown to you Jin wondered the same thing. He often thought of you and he would do things you used to do together when he missed you. Like cooking or watching your favorite movie. He never stopped loving you and continued to make himself a better person. He worked on his stress issues and found ways to destress without blowing up.

He knew you'd be proud of how far he's come with himself and his group. He just wished he could hear it from you. He wished a lot of things. Most of all he wished you were with him.

He understood why you left and he was never mad at you. He was mad at himself for not realizing things needed to change before you felt like you had to go. Everything he did now was to be better for you. Even the award they won tonight was for you.

Their manager insisted that they went to dinner at a fancy restaurant to celebrate the win. Everyone agreed even Jin who only wanted to go home. The restaurant was indeed fancy and had a lot of celebraties who were also at the awards show.

The food came quickly and Jin thought it was amazing. People around him seemed to think the same thing as he heard chatter of how good everything tasted. One table was so impressed they asked a waiter to meet the chef who made the food.

Jin was focused on his friends that he didn't see the chef as the waiter brought them out. He didn't know the chef until he heard her voice.

"Are you the chef here?" A man at the table asked.

"Yes sir. I am the head chef here." Jin's eyes snapped quickly to the woman's voice and he almost gasped when he saw you.

"Well I must say your food is delicious. So good. I will definitely come back here for your excellent cooking." The man shook your hand and you smiled.

"Thank you so much sir. I'm glad you're enjoying your meal. I have to get back to the kitchen but I hope you have a great evening." Jin watched you go back into the kitchen with wide eyes.

Namjoon tapped Jin on the arm. "Wasn't that Y/n noona?" Jin nodded. "Well? What are you waiting for? Go to her!" The boys all urged him to go and he did.

He made his way across the restaurant and went through the swinging double doors to the kitchen. Cooking and wait staff bustled around the bust kitchen. If he was looking for just anyone he wouldn't be able to tell who was who in this chaos. But he wasn't looking for just anyone. He was looking for you.

He found you almost immediately. Even though you had your back to him he knew it was you. It was a little skill he learned over the years of going to crowded places with you. He could always find you in a crowd.

He walked through the kitchen dodging workers and ignoring people when they said he couldn't be here. He stopped right behind you. You didn't notice him yet because you were cutting vegetables.

"Y/n." Your hands stopped moving. You were frozen for a moment not really trusting your ears. But you knew it was him. You felt him behind you. The knife clattered to the cutting board as you quickly turned around and threw yourself on him. He wrapped his arms around you.

"I missed you." You said. He pulled back to look at your face and smiled.

"I missed you too." He brought you closer and kissed you.

You two stood there for a minute almost forgetting where you were. That was until everyone else in the kitchen started whistling and teasing you. You laughed and stepped around Jin. You clapped your hands together and everyone quieted down.

"Alright everyone enough of that. We still have a lot of food to make so let's get going." You gave a bunch of orders to your staff and they all went back to work. You turned and took Jin's hand. "Follow me please." You led him to a part of the restaurant that was empty and faced him.

"Are you going to come back now?" He asked.

"Only if you want me to. I know didn't really leave like I should have, like you deserved."

He pulled you into a hug. "I've always wanted you to come back. I understand why you left like you did. I wouldn't have let you go and you would have stayed if I asked."

"There were so many times I wanted to come back. So many times I had a bad day and just wanted to be with you."

"I know. Me too." There was more you both wanted to say but you didn't need to. You both already knew everything you needed to know when he kissed you again. You separated when you heard a cough.

One of your staff was in the door way. "Y/n we need you back in the kitchen." He said.

"I'll be right there." The guy nodded and left. You looked at Jin. "I have to go."

He smiled. "Of course. You're a head chef after all." He leaned in with a slight smirk and lowered his voice to an almost whisper. "I have to say you were very attractive when you were giving orders."

You rolled your eyes and headed to the kitchen. Before you turned the corner you looked at him over your shoulder. "Tell everyone I said hi."

After that night you and Jin were inseparable again. The only time you weren't with each other was when you were working. You got married soon after. He proposed to you in front of everyone in the restaurant you worked in. You thought it was sweet but you were also slightly embarrassed from all of the attention.

Now it's been four years since you and Jin met up again. You now have a daughter named Jinnie and a restaurant that you opened together. You of course were the head chef and Jin would cook as well when he wasn't busy being an idol. Jinnie also seemed to love cooking. She would mimic your actions and sometimes you let her help you with something.

You and Jin hardly ever fought anymore. If you did it was mostly play fighting like who was going to cook dinner and you both end up cooking together. You and Jin became your better selves and you were still bettering yourselves everyday for each other and for your daughter.


Okay I am very happy with myself for doing this. I like happy endings. I'm an emotional person and I even get upset at movies and books if they have a sad ending sometimes. It's kinda funny actually. I'll just imagine a different ending to make myself happy. Anyways hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!

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