Taehyung Mafia au - Friend

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Namjoon wanted to interrogate a certain rival gang member. Jiho. Only problem is said gang member is close to the head of command so he's practically untouchable. There is only one way that they can get to him.

You. His girlfriend. The word girlfriend is used rather loosely. You're actually forced into the relationship. Jiho is a guy no one can say no to and they wouldn't even dare try. Bad things happened if you did.

When he first asked you out you said no. He took you anyways and held you for a long time. To survive you learned to do whatever he said and wanted. You were brought into the mafia life without much choice.

Namjoon sent Taehyung to get on your good side. When Taehyung 'accidentally' bumped into you one day while you were out you knew exactly what was going on. You weren't stupid. You knew he just wanted to get to Jiho. You were used to people using you like that. But this time is different. This time you'll get just as much from him as you'll give.

At first you just wanted a friend, a companion. You were tired of being alone and being used for whatever by your 'boyfriend'. You made Taehyung spend time with you at the park or the clubs. Wherever you went you had him tag along. Pretty soon though you started to have feelings for the seducer of the rival gang.

To Taehyung you seemed like a semi happy girl who liked to have fun and wanted a friend. At first he only saw flashes of the real you but over time you showed what no one ever saw of you. He found himself falling for you.

One night you and Taehyung went to a club. You let yourself be engulfed in the music and the dancing bodies. Taehyung followed you and you danced together. You felt free being with him. There were only a few times where you felt free. One of those times was before you met Jiho. Another is when you tried to escape Jiho.

After that Jiho always made you wear ribbons around your wrists. You guessed he didn't want people to see how miserable you were with him. You knew it didn't really work though. You saw the stares and glances from people and you could see that they knew. You didn't care. You didn't care about much these days. Except Taehyung.

Losing yourself in the pounding beat and the feel of Taehyung dancing with you. You let his hands roam wherever they wanted over your body. You enjoyed it and didn't care if people stared. You were in your own world with Taehyung right now.

One of his hands stayed on your waist and the other moved up your side and over your arm. You stopped moving when his hand brushed the ribbon on your wrist. You watched him as he moved both hands to the ribbon and untied it. His fingers trailed over the old scar. He didn't look sad or upset. He looked almost loving.

He put your hand on his cheek and looked at you, lightly pressing a kiss to your wrist. He took off the other ribbon and did the same thing. This was personal on another level for you. No one even looked at your scars. You knew that this could be just part of his act but like I've said before. You. Didn't. Care.

You pulled him to you and kissed him. It was instantly heated. He took your hand and led you to the back of the club where it was empty and the music was muffled. He kissed you again and your back hit the wall. He lifted you up and you locked your arms and legs around him.

He pulled back and looked into your eyes. "I love you."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I don't think I've ever been more sure of anything." You could see it in his eyes. He was being completely honest with you. He wasn't saying this just for his job.

"I know why you came to me. You want Jiho right?" He looked away ashamed. He was about to say something but you shushed him and made him look at you. "It's okay. I knew all along. That didn't stop me from falling for you. I'll tell you anything you want to know about Jiho just take me away."

He smiled and kissed you again. "I'll make sure you never have to run away again. Unless you're running away with me."

You smiled. Your life quickly changed after that. Taehyung took you to Namjoon and made a deal. You told him everything you knew about Jiho and he helped you leave your gang to join his.

Now you were the girlfriend of one of the biggest mafia bosses and this time you were very willing to be in the relationship. You didn't have to fake happiness. You were happy.

Taehyung said he loved everything about you, even the parts you didn't like. He never made you hide your scars. You loved him for that. You loved him for everything. You would do anything for him and you knew he would do the same. You were partners in love and crime.

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