Jimin - A Guys Best Friend Part 1

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Your pov

You were walking through the dog park with your brown Husky Tae. You let him off the leash and he went to go play with whoever he liked. You sat under a shady tree and closed your eyes enjoying the small breeze.

Suddenly you heard a small yip and felt a lick on your hand. You opened your eyes and saw Tae with a fluffy black Husky looking at you with blue eyes.

"Hello there." You said. The dogs tail wagged and you smiled a bit. "What's your name huh?" You looked at the collar. Hi! My name is Wolfie and I'm a very good girl! Wolfie barked like she was telling you this and you laughed.

"Nice to meet you Wolfie. I'm Y/n." You pet her head and she licked your cheek. You looked at her more as you pet her. "Wow. You have some thick fur huh? It's very soft. You're a little chubby too aren't ya? That's okay. That just means there's more of you to love."

Wolfie just looked at you and wagged her tail. You knew she probably couldn't understand anything you were saying but it felt nice just chatting even if it was with a dog. You did that a lot with Tae. You heard a whistle and Wolfie's ears perked up. She gave you one last lick before running off.

Over the next week you and Tae returned to the dog park and Wolfie found you every time. You kind of felt bad that you were stealing this dog away from it's owner for a bit everyday. You wondered who the owner was and if they were upset.

Jimin's pov

Everyday for the past week my Husky Wolfie has been running off to who knows where. She always comes back to me but that still doesn't make me less worried. What is she doing? I hope she isn't bothering anyone or getting into trouble. Wolfie is normally very well behaved but she could get a little over zealous when she shows affection.

When I brought Wolfie to the park today I knew she would run off again and she did. As soon as I unsnapped her leash she was gone. Sometimes I was still amazed that such a chubby dog could run so fast. She was out of my sight and normally I would wait a bit and then call her. This time was different though.

I bought a small tracking device that can sync up to my phone and I put it on her collar this morning. My phone showed a map of the park and two dots. Blue for Wolfie and red for me. I waited until the blue dot stopped moving and I made my way to her.

As I got closer I heard dogs barking and a woman laughing. I looked and Wolfie was doing tricks with another dog for a pretty woman. The woman called Wolfie a good girl and Wolfie jumped up on her and licked her face.

"Wolfie! No!" I yelled. Wolfie sat down and looked at me. I snapped my fingers and pointed at my feet. "Come here Wolfie." She walked to me with her head down and I kneeled in front of her. "You know you can't jump on people Wolfie." She lightly whined.

"It's okay. She didn't hurt me or anything." The woman said. "She's been nothing but a sweetheart all week."

"All week? So she's been coming to you this whole time?"

"Yeah. I hope you don't mind. She and Tae have become good friends." A brown dog sat next to the woman wagging his tail.

"No of course not. I'm glad she's making friends. I hope she wasn't too much of a bother. She can get a little bit wild when she likes someone."

She laughed a bit. "I know. But I love it. It's very cute. Oh! I'm Y/n by the way." She held out a hand.

I stood up and shook it. "Jimin."

Me and Y/n became fast friends after that. We met at the dog park and played with Wolfie and Tae almost everyday. Wolfie seemed to really like Y/n. I have to say I was starting to really like her too.

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