Hoseok Mafia au - Fiancé

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Hoseok was walking through a popular drug den in a disguise. He needed to see what people were currently into using. If you wanted to make money you needed to sell what the buyers wanted.

Apparently it wasn't anything too hardcore. He saw weed and ecstasy and things like that. He even saw some Daydream, product he made himself. Satisfied he was about to leave when someone caught his eye. A woman who was talking to a group of people.

He looked closer at her face and realized it was you. His old friend. Well actually you were more than friends. You were together. He was happy and a little surprised to see you here though since he hadn't seen you for years.

You had been friends when you were children. You bonded because you both had terrible families. They were junkies and scum of the earth. You found happiness in each other. You were always with each other. You were each others first in everything. When you were teens you even ran away from home together.

You took to selling drugs for a dealer to get by. It wasn't that hard for you actually. You and Hoseok were both really good at getting people to buy whatever you were selling. One night you and him were on your way to make a deal. You walked hand in hand looking like a regular teenage couple.

"Hobi?" You asked.


"Promise we'll always be together."

He looked at you and smiled. "Of course Y/n. I promise we'll be together forever. We'll get married one day and I'll give you everything."

"All I want is you." He didn't say anything because you stopped across the street from the meeting place. "Alright. It's my turn this time. Remember if something happens and I get arrested-"

"You're not gonna get arrested." He interrupted you.

"Shush. If I do wait for me and don't forget I love you."

"I'll always wait for you. I love you too." He pulled you close and kissed you. You flashed him a smile before crossing the street. This was the routine you both had. You agreed that you would take turns making a deal in case the police came. That way at least one of you would be free.

You were arrested that night. It was a set up from the start. The buyer was a police informant and tipped them off. Hoseok watched helpless from a distance as you were handcuffed and put into the back of a car. You got a few years of jail and a few more years of probation.

As he waited for you like he promised he spent that time building his mafia empire. He had six friends and partners that he trusted with his life. You also waited for Hoseok.

You spent your time perfecting your craft of blending in. You were on your best behavior and so you were never looked at twice. Of course you never stopped dealing. You just learned how to hide it better.

When your probation was over you quickly got back into the dealing life only this time you knew you would never get caught again. You went to drug dens to sell because that was the best place to do it. That's where everyone went when they were craving.

You were in the middle of a deal when you felt eyes on you. You looked and saw a tall, slim guy with glasses, a ball cap and face mask. You smiled because you would recognize that figure anywhere. It was Hoseok.

"Alright guys I have to go now. My fiancé is here." You shook a few hands and hugged a couple people. On the outside it just looked like friendly gestures but you were actually swapping money for product.

You walked to Hoseok and took his hand. You figured he was hiding his face for a reason so you led him outside. When you both were alone he finally took off his disguise and didn't hesitate in kissing you.

You smiled up at him. "Miss me baby?"

"You know I did."

You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him. "I missed you too."

"What are you doing here anyways? When did you get out?"

You shrugged. "A few years ago. Got off a bit early for good behavior then I laid low while on probation. Now I'm just visiting friends."

"You were selling weren't you?"

"What? Me? Of course not! I would never think of selling again after getting out. I'm a changed woman Hobi." You winked and he laughed.

"That's a relief to hear. But I didn't see you actually selling anything." He looked at you questioningly.

"I was in the middle of a deal when you saw me in fact. I've gotten a lot better baby. Also when did you get this fancy watch?" You held up his watch in front of him.

"Impressive! I didn't even feel that." He took it from you and put it back on.

"That's the whole point." You smirked. "So what are you doing here Hobi?"

"Business." You raised an eyebrow. He took your hand and smiled. "Come with me. I've got a lot of things to show you and some people I want you to meet."

He led you to a fancy car and motioned for you to get in. He followed after you and told the driver to go home. Of course you didn't know what that meant but you trusted Hobi with your life so you didn't worry. Soon you were going down a driveway that led to a large mansion. You gawked at it when you got out of the car.

"You live here?" You asked.

He shook his head. "We live here."


"Me, you and my partners."

"Partners?" He took your hand again and led you inside. Right when you walk in there is a painting of Hoseok and six other very handsome guys. Your jaw dropped as you looked around more. You finally looked at Hoseok with wide eyes.

He laughed. "I've never seen you at such a loss for words. It's so cute." He quickly pecked you on the lips.

"What am I supposed to say to this? This is huge! And who are they? They are so hot."


"Of course not as hot as you babe." He rolled his eyes but still smiled.

"They should be coming soon. Ah. Here they are." Six men came from different parts of the house and stood in front of you and Hoseok. "Y/n this is Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook. Guys this is Y/n."

"So your the girl Hoseok's been waiting for all this time? Nice to finally meet you." The one Hoseok called Jimin greeted you.

"Nice to meet you too. But I have question. What do you all do?"

"You haven't told her yet?" Namjoon said.

Hoseok shook his head. "Not yet. I was waiting until she met you." Hoseok then told you all about his mafia business and what he and the others do.

"I so want in." You said. You were very impressed with what Hoseok has done while you were gone.

"Are you sure?" Yoongi asked. "This job is for professionals you know. Not for people who get caught."

You glanced at Hoseok and he just smirked at Yoongi. He didn't need to defend you. He already knew you were one of the best. You slowly walked and stood face to face with Yoongi. You stood there for a minute before moving in front of each member. You stopped next to Hoseok with your hands behind your back.

"I am very sure I want to be in this business. And I think I'm very professional. I was only ever caught once and I still made deals while in jail and on probation. I mastered slight of hand and pick pocketing to make swapping money for product is easier."

"Let's see it." Yoongi said.

"I've already done it. I have to say you have some cool guns." You put your hands in front of you and showed said guns. Yoongi nodded impressed taking them back from you. "Also you should keep a better eye on your money boys." You reached into your pockets and tossed them their wallets. They each looked at you clearly surprised and impressed.

"See? I told you my girl was good!" Hoseok hugged you proud.

Namjoon reached out and shook your hand. "Y/n. Welcome to Bangtan Mafia."

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