Jin - Beauty and the Beast Part 1

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This was requested by fandomsel thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like it 🥰 this is also inspired by Beauty and the Beast obviously but also by Beastly 😊 and I am so so so sorry this took so long to write idk why but I was struggling with it I'm sorry >~>

Jin smiled down at the large crowd of people that were here for his birthday. His large, almost mansion like house, was filled with people dancing to the music that was blasting through every room. Red cups in almost every hand sloshing with whatever booze they desired.

Everyone here was here for him. Because it was his day and they were celebrating with him. All of the popular people were here and even the regular people were here too. He crinkled his nose at the glimpses of the few unpopular people and weirdos that were there but he ignored them because he wasn't going to let anything ruin tonight.

He took a sip from his own red cup as his eyes scanned the crowd looking for one particular person. His eyes lit up once he found her. "Y/n!" He called to the girl who was trying very hard to maneuver through the people. She looked up at the stairs when he called her and visibly sagged with relief. With a final push she made it to an empty area and was able to get to the stairs.

"Happy birthday, Jin." She hugged him with a smile.

"Thanks. And thanks for coming!"

"Of course! I wouldn't ditch you on your birthday." She smiled at him. Jin and Y/n had been friends for years, even when highschool came around and their paths seemed to go in different directions. Although he was already handsome to begin with, puberty hit Jin hard, and I mean hard, in freshman year and he had been very popular ever since. Whereas Y/n, not so much. She was pretty but not the ridiculous beauty standard gorgeous. She had her own beauty that made her unique but to some unique was bad.

Despite this he made sure to keep their friendship strong. After all, she was there for him for everything way before he met his popular friends. His parents had a messy divorce when he was 10. His mother cut all ties with him and his father. And his father wasn't really the parenting type, leaving him alone for long periods of time because he buried himself in work. The only adult company Jin ever really had was teachers and the maid who would come clean the house.

That's how he met Y/n. She was the maids daughter. She would play with him while her mother did her job. She was really his oldest and closest friend. She helped keep him from loneliness.

"So how are you liking the party so far?" He asked.

"Uh it's great! Yeah, really... energetic." She glanced around. She wasn't really one for big parties but it was Jin's party and he wanted her here so here she is.

"I know, right? It's awesome!" He beamed. Of course it was awesome! He was Jin! Worldwide Handsome and the most liked and popular guy in college. Everyone was here. "Oh! I see some people I gotta go say hi to. Mingle around! Have some fun!" He gave her a smile and walked away.

Y/n sighed as she scanned the crowd looking for anyone else she knew. And luckily she spotted someone. "Wolfie!" She called. (Hey don't judge I like being your friend XD) The mint haired girl looked around at the sound of her name and smiled once she saw Y/n.

"Hey!" She smiled and hugged Y/n once they made it to each other. "How are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

"Eh." She shrugged. "As good as I can be in this type of place." See Wolfie was also one of those people that weren't popular. Mainly because people called her a freak and a witch. They also made fun of her weight. So what if she was a bigger girl? She was still a person and she was a great friend to Y/n.

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