Jimin - When We Meet Again

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So I'mma try and finish this today which is Valentine's day and that means you're now my valentine 🥰 I don't care if you're single, have a gf, bf, significant other, pet, friend, you are my valentine so happy Valentine's day my dears ÚwÙ

Also I realized that I did a Jimin chapter the same time my friend (and also my valentine ÚwÙ) StressedoutHarlo did, I'm sorry Harley I wasn't trying to copy I swear 🤣🤣🤣 it's just I haven't done a Jimin one in a bit and he seemed perfect for this 🤣 (you don't have to read further btw just thought this was funny 😝)

Also also this was inspired by something I saw on tiktok. I'm not able to share the video (or find it for that matter it was a bit ago 😣) but I just wanna say thanks to that tiktoker who inspired this 🥰

Also also also I was thinking of the Valentine's playlist Harley made and My Strange Addiction by Billie Eilish came into my head and it like really fits this. The first verse, pre chorus and chorus is like Y/n's pov and the second verse, pre chorus and chorus are Jimin's. They both think only one is gonna get burned by their 'strange addiction' to each other but in the end they both get hurt.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

How did it get to this point?

Bound by chains and about to be executed.

They were standing next to each other but he couldn't reach her. The chains wouldn't allow that. Her head hung low and a shadow covered her face but he could tell how she was feeling. She was heartbroken and blaming herself. So was he but he had to try and cheer her up.

"Y/n. Look at me, please." He said gently. She lightly shook her head no. "Please. I wanna see your pretty face."

"Don't say that, Jimin." She bit out. "They might hear you and hurt you worse."

"I don't care. I only care about you."

"And I only care about you. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault. I played a part in this too. I love you."

"I love you." She looked at him with tear stained cheeks and a small smile. They both reached out a hand, only going a few feet from their sides but it was enough to just barely graze fingers. Suddenly the chains glow and yank them down to their knees to restrict their movement more.

He looked down at the white marbled ground wondering how he could have let this happen.

They were in love.

What was so wrong about that?

Everything apparently. At least according to their Gods. The only thing their Gods can agree on is forces of light and dark shouldn't mix. Jimin is part of the light, an angel. Y/n is part of the dark, a demon.

You'd think they would clash and be completely incompatible but, surprisingly, they blend together so well. Since they met, and maybe even before that, they've been drawn to each other. A small smile crept up on his face as he remembered when they met.

He had gone down to Earth because he was bored and thought he'd check out some of the things humans liked. One of those things was books. He went into a small bookstore that looked old but charming. He browsed around a bit and saw a book that caught his eye. The lovers always said 'I'll save my last 'I love you' for when we meet again.' to assure that they would meet again. When he reached to grab it another hand reached too and they ended up touching. Both people jumped away and looked at each other. Just from one look he could tell she was a demon and vice versa. But, despite that, he smiled and grabbed two of the same book, handing one to her.

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