Jin - iRobot Part 2

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Your pov

You couldn't process anything that has been happening to you. You're changing but you don't understand how. You're thinking, actually thinking for yourself. And you've been crying. You're producing tears. Androids aren't able to do that. What is happening to me?

You have emotions. You can't name them because there are so many swirling around in you. You don't know what to make of anything anymore and you are also slowly feeling pain. Where the pain was coming from you had no idea. You used to be filled with answers but now you're only filled with questions.

Jin has been working non stop reading Dr. Lee's research. You didn't know what he could possibly glean from it but you trusted him. Another strange new feeling. Trust. Jin gave you all types of feelings. A lot of them you thought were good feelings. You haven't told him this because you wanted to wait until you could actually name the emotions.

This has been happening for a while, subtly running in the background like an open tab on a computer. But it seemed to have expanded since a week ago when Jin hugged you after you cried for the first time. You were convinced you were malfunctioning. After all androids shouldn't be acting like humans.

You were sitting with Jin one day in his lab as he was going through old records of Dr. Lee. You glanced at everything a few times not really seeing much but enough to stir something in your mind. There was something about Dr. Lee that seemed so familiar to you.

You were pulled from your thoughts when a small gasp was heard from Jin. "Y/n. I think I've found it."

"Found what?"

"Why you are the way you are. Why Dr. Lee made you. How Dr. Lee made you." He turned to you with slightly wide eyes.

"Dr. Lee made me? He's my creator?" Is that why Jin only looked in Dr. Lee's research? *Zap* Yes.

He nodded and glanced back at the papers. "You could say that. You could also say he's your father."

"I don't understand."

"Y/n. You are Dr. Lee's daughter. You were in a car accident. You were badly hurt. It appears that he successfully gave you robotic replacements like he theorized." He looked you straight in the eyes. "Y/n. You're a human."

You jumped from your seat and took a few steps back shaking your head. "No. I'm an android. I'm not human. I'm an android. I'm an android." You started to shake as you repeated this over and over. Something was happening to your mind.

*Zap* Android.

*Zap* Human.

*Zap* Android.

*Zap* Human.

Both were correct and both were false. You started to feel pain in your head. Your eyes started to water and you kept saying 'I'm an android' while gripping the sides of your head. Jin stood and held his hands up to try and calm you.

"Y/n you need to calm down. I know it's a lot to take in but it's gonna be okay."

"No! I'm an android! I'm-" You gasped and your eyes widened when you felt something snap in your mind. "I'm a human." You said before passing out.

Jin's pov

"Y/n!" I caught her as she fell. "Y/n?" Her eyes were closed and she was out cold. I lifted her bridal style and carried her to my office where I laid her on the couch. Thankfully it was late so no one was in the building right now but me and her. I didn't want to worry about anyone but her right now.

I kneeled next to her and wiped her face of the tears. The tears I caused. I felt terrible. I should have done better about telling her the truth. I was just so caught up in my emotions that I didn't stop to think about how she would react.

I spent weeks looking through Dr. Lee's papers and I even contacted Dr. Lee himself. He didn't tell me how he made Y/n but he sent me a packet of info. All he told me is that he made Y/n to right a wrong. Of course that left me utterly m confused. Until I saw what he sent me.

A photo with him and Y/n and a medical report of her injuries. Dr. Lee had to replace several vital organs including the heart. He also had to replace the left leg below the knee and the left arm. He added a small chip into her head to control the different parts. It also seemed to help her answer questions at times.

I was too wrapped up in what I had found and I just mindlessly blurted it out. I should have known that her mind would be a bit fragile after everything she's gone through. She would have blocked everything she knew and remembered. Being dead and then being brought back vastly different would have been very stressful and traumatic.

I hope that when she wakes up she won't forget everything again. I know that it's selfish but I want her to remember me. I don't want her to become an emotionless husk again. I want her to be able to feel things again and possibly feel something for me. I know I feel things for her. Even when I thought she was still an android I knew I fell for her.

I brushed her hair aside and looked at her sleeping face. She looked peaceful. She was so pretty. I couldn't help myself as I leaned forward and lightly kissed her. I sat back after a moment and held her hand.

"Y/n. I'm sorry I overwhelmed you. I wasn't thinking. I hope you remember me when you wake up because I want to be able to tell you that I love you."

Your pov

Your mind was pulled here and there between shattered pieces of memory. Images flashed before your eyes and swirled past you as fast as lightning.

"Dad I want to be a scientist." You said.

"No." Your father shook his head.

"Why? You are. Mom was. I want to be like you both."

"I said no." His voice was stern. "You will not become like us. Not after what happened to your mother.

"What happened to mom wasn't because of her profession dad! It was an accident! It could have happened to anybody!"

"I said no Y/n! I'm not going to speak of this anymore! I forbid it!" He started to walk away.

"I wasn't asking for permission! I'm a grown woman dad! You told me I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up and I know what I want to be. I thought you'd be proud of me."

You turned and ran out of the house before he could respond. You got into your car and drove away. You didn't want to speak anymore until you both calmed down. Suddenly you heard a horn as another car swerved into you making you crash. You screamed and everything went black.

You slowly came back into consciousness with the feeling of something warm and soft on your lips. You were a bit disappointed when the warmth went away. Then you felt something on your hand. It was warm. Someone was holding it.

"Y/n. I'm sorry I overwhelmed you. I wasn't thinking." It was Jin. It took you a moment to recognize his voice but you did. He sounded sad and sincere. "I hope you remember me when you wake up because I want to be able to tell you that I love you."

You slowly opened your eyes and sat up. Jin's eyes widened and he smiled pulling you into a hug. "Y/n! You're okay! I'm so relieved. Wait." He pulled back and held you by your shoulders. "Do you remember me?" You nodded. "Tell me my name."

"You're Kim Seokjin." He nodded urging you to say more. "You're 26. You're a scientist. You love me."

His cheeks turned red and you thought he looked cute blushing. "Y-you heard that?" You nodded and his blush got deeper. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-" He started to move away but you held onto his arm stopping him.

"Wait. It's okay. I love you too."

He furrowed his brows at you. "What do you mean?" He tried to hide it but you could see the glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"Exactly what I said. I love you too." You smiled. "I'm able to feel love again. I remember everything Jin. My name is Y/n Lee and I am a human."

"You remember? Y/n! That's amazing!" He jumped up to his feet and he looked like a little kid. You giggled at his behavior.

"Wow. It's been a long time since I laughed. It feels good." You giggled again. Jin got back down next to you and smiled warmly at you.

"You have a really nice laugh."

"Thank you." Your eyes glanced at his lips. "You have nice lips. They're soft." Your fingers lightly touched your lips at the memory of him kissing you.

"So you were awake for that too?" You chuckled and so did he. "I shouldn't be surprised anymore." He cupped your cheek and leaned a bit closer. "Can I kiss you again?"

"Yes." He pressed his lips to yours and you relished the warmth. You hadn't felt anything in so long and his warmth was intoxicating. Or maybe it was just him making you feel this way. Either way you loved it.

Love. That's something you haven't felt for a long time. For years you were empty and now, with this one person, you were over flowing with it.


Okay! Well that was something. I feel like it didn't really make sense but I thought it was a cute idea. It took me FOREVER to finish this! I couldn't figure out the ending and I was worried that I'd end up rushing it so I held off on it for a bit. How was it? Good I hope. Thank you for reading! I purple you!

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